Topic: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

Second time for seeing Joe in the last 4 days. Went to the Richmond show at the National Theatre and dazee's post and description of the show was right on the mark. Only thing I might add is that I had 5 "newbies" along for the show and they couldn't have been more amazed. They kept asking, "How come we've never heard of him before?" My only response was now you know about him so spread the word. One in the group said he had seen so many shows, i.e. SRV, Allman Bros., Clapton, etc. and this was the best show he had ever been to. All I could say was, "Told you so."

Attended the Attuck's show with 2 old Joe fans and 1 new fan. The place was a sellout and I'm sure even more would have attended if the venue was larger. Personally was glad he played at the Attucks as the sound quality is better to any show I've seen him play in. Exceptionally crisp and clean and that is not to say the other shows weren't but this venue is a cut above the rest.

Joe seemed to really enjoy this show more than any of the previous shows I have attended. More crowd interaction and just seeming to have a better time in general. Joe did have a moment when he blew out his pick during Woke Up Dreaming. Half way through the song the pick flew out of his hands and had to finger pick the solo for about a minute but never missed a beat. Really liked the new intro to Sloe Gin and Blues Deluxe. Vocals are stronger too. To me I hear Gregg Allman in his voice and being a huge Allman Brothers fan since their first album that is why I was drawn to Joe.

The set list has changed a little and Joe has added a new song which I presume is from the upcoming cd. Show went like this if my memory serves me corretly:

Ballard of John Henry
Bridge to Better Days
So Many Roads
India/ Mountain Time
Another Kind of Love
Sloe Gin
Woke Up Dreaming
Just Got Paid/Dazed and Confused
??????????????    Slow blues number…..killer song.
Blues Deluxe
Highwater Everywhere

One of These Days
Asking Around for You

My only complaint is that since he has added Rick to the band there are many times when it is hard to hear him playing. Especially on Another Kind of Love. This is his best solo and it is almost completely drowned out by the other instruments.

I can only say that I can see Joe achieving much more success. One hell of a show.

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

Very, very nice review Tim! Thanks for the set list.

Curious to know more about the new song.

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

Tim S wrote:

Second time for seeing Joe in the last 4 days. Went to the Richmond show at the National Theatre and dazee's post and description of the show was right on the mark. Only thing I might add is that I had 5 "newbies" along for the show and they couldn't have been more amazed. They kept asking, "How come we've never heard of him before?" My only response was now you know about him so spread the word. One in the group said he had seen so many shows, i.e. SRV, Allman Bros., Clapton, etc. and this was the best show he had ever been to. All I could say was, "Told you so."

Attended the Attuck's show with 2 old Joe fans and 1 new fan. The place was a sellout and I'm sure even more would have attended if the venue was larger. Personally was glad he played at the Attucks as the sound quality is better to any show I've seen him play in. Exceptionally crisp and clean and that is not to say the other shows weren't but this venue is a cut above the rest.

Joe seemed to really enjoy this show more than any of the previous shows I have attended. More crowd interaction and just seeming to have a better time in general. Joe did have a moment when he blew out his pick during Woke Up Dreaming. Half way through the song the pick flew out of his hands and had to finger pick the solo for about a minute but never missed a beat. Really liked the new intro to Sloe Gin and Blues Deluxe. Vocals are stronger too. To me I hear Gregg Allman in his voice and being a huge Allman Brothers fan since their first album that is why I was drawn to Joe.

The set list has changed a little and Joe has added a new song which I presume is from the upcoming cd. Show went like this if my memory serves me corretly:

Ballard of John Henry
Bridge to Better Days
So Many Roads
India/ Mountain Time
Another Kind of Love
Sloe Gin
Woke Up Dreaming
Just Got Paid/Dazed and Confused
??????????????    Slow blues number…..killer song.
Blues Deluxe
Highwater Everywhere

One of These Days
Asking Around for You

My only complaint is that since he has added Rick to the band there are many times when it is hard to hear him playing. Especially on Another Kind of Love. This is his best solo and it is almost completely drowned out by the other instruments.

I can only say that I can see Joe achieving much more success. One hell of a show.

Yes the new song is from the new album. It is a slow blues song called The Great Flood.

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

Great to hear the boys are bring new songs into the set , Those 4 Amigo's Have Got Mucho's More in The Tank    wink

Mix it up some more , There's a bunch load back catologue there for the takin'

.............................. Michael

Joe Bonamassa .......  His Greatest 3 Videos ... IMMHO   After Much Deliberation
3rd ...... Mountain Time / Rockpalast
2nd ...... Sloe Gin       /  Vienna             
1st ....... Blues Deluxe / The Borderline

5 (edited by Greenose 2008-10-20 10:32:07)

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

jim m wrote:

Yes the new song is from the new album. It is a slow blues song called The Great Flood.

Great review Tim. Jim can you tell us anymore about The Great Flood? Is is a Joe original?

Hope it's still in the set next month when he arrives in the UK smile


"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

I wanted to go to Joe's show tonight in Baltimore but I waited too long and it got sold out sad 

I'm curious if they have completely gotten rid of Bogie's solo?  I saw him solo in two shows a while ago and it added another level of coolness to the show.  Sad to say that I haven't seen it in either of his last two shows I saw.  What's the word on that, does anyone know?

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

Greenose wrote:
jim m wrote:

Yes the new song is from the new album. It is a slow blues song called The Great Flood.

Great review Tim. Jim can you tell us anymore about The Great Flood? Is is a Joe original?

Hope it's still in the set next month when he arrives in the UK smile


Original I believe. Not certain.

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

95maxrider wrote:

I wanted to go to Joe's show tonight in Baltimore but I waited too long and it got sold out sad 

I'm curious if they have completely gotten rid of Bogie's solo?  I saw him solo in two shows a while ago and it added another level of coolness to the show.  Sad to say that I haven't seen it in either of his last two shows I saw.  What's the word on that, does anyone know?

It was eliminated when they were recording shows for NWIP. It just hasn't been brought back. I like the abbreviated JGPaid DandConfuzed version they are currently doing. The ending showcases Bogie's drumming very nicely.

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

No drum solo in Just Got Paid/Dazed and Confused at least not as in past shows. Maybe about 15-20 seconds but that was it. Personally think that there should be a drum and/or bass solo as it adds so much more to the show and we get to see the personality of the musician come to the forefront. Then again if every show was the same and played note for note it would get "boring". The excitement of seeing Joe the next time he comes through is "What will he play this time?" "Will he change the intro to a song?" "Will the tempo of the song be the same?" Every show is different and that's what keeps us talking. Instead of just seeing the "Blues" we are seeing "Blues Deluxe".

Glad to hear the song The Great Flood is off the new album. To more fully describe the song I stated it was slow blues and should have said old style traditional blues. B. B. King comes to mind.

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

I remember the Caveman saying in one of his blogs earlier this year that Joe had just recorded the best slow blues song he had written. I wonder if this is the one...

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: Norfolk, Va. 10/18 Attucks Theatre

Hello to all Joe fans!!

I was also at the show in Norfolk at the Attucks on October 18!! What a show!! Joe's talent is amazing.

Does anyone have a recording of the or video. I have some pictures I would be willing to share.
