Topic: This is the stuff I like..

Ok its no secret that my personal life is less than great right now...  But.......  When I click on Yahoo ( my default page) on the bus I see the article about Talan "the T Man" in the mainstream.. I have to say I am so happy that the guy who turned him in literally bought Talan a "million" dollars of free publicity..   Congrats Talan, your famous and you have the guy who was jealous of you to thank...  All the more sweeter.   You are a true prodigy and I am very proud of you.. one blues wonderkind to another.  You are so far ahead me at your age its not funny.   You are the future and when the book is written about you, all that needs to be said is Thank you mystery man.. One for our side.  for a minute it made me forget my problems..  I am so proud to be a small part of this kids carreer..  This is so cool..... 
Joe Bonamassa

2 (edited by Greenose 2008-08-13 03:56:17)

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Hi Joe, its great that you have supported this young artist in his career so far, long may it continue. He's got a long way to go to be as great as you Joe... smile Hope things sort themselves out Joe.

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: This is the stuff I like..

I'll second that!! He's certainly a prodigious talent, and one to watch. Thankfully, with jealous idiots like that, Tallan gets more and more in the public eye!!

I have a signed T-Man poster sent to me by a very generous ex-forum member, which I'm keeping safe, so that when he makes it to the top of his game like yourself Joe, I can say that I knew and watched him from the start like a lot of people in here were for you.

Great to see you supporting the youngster Joe, you are a class act with very large boots to fill! smile

"Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman."
                                                                                                   Ludwig Van Beethoven

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Tallan is indeed an amazing little guy ... I love the video where he´s playing together with Les Paul on stage. That´s very special about the Blues community I think - people really seem to care for each other and famous aritsts use their fame to support younger groups and especially those extraoridary Blues kids ... it´s great that you continue with that tradition Joe!

I also have one of those signed posters, Paul - could be worth millions of dollars soon wink ... but well, we´d keep them anyway, right?!


Re: This is the stuff I like..

Definitely would keep it Eva!

It was very special watching Les Paul giving Tallan banter on stage. With endorsements and support from legends like Les and Joe, that's got to be the greatest compliment the boy can get.

P.S. Joe...I hate it when people tell me "chin up".....but you know what I'm saying right!?! smile

"Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman."
                                                                                                   Ludwig Van Beethoven

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Im italian and have a big chin.... I dont know quite how to take that.. Just kidding.. I know what you mean..  Its really a non factor now.  I was shaken but now realize that staying true to yourself is the most important thing. 
Joe B.

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Guess I'm out of the loop...what happened to Joe?

Re: This is the stuff I like..

You can’t sing the blues unless you’ve experienced it firsthand, or so they say. We’ll send you some British stiff upper lip, Joe. smile

I hadn’t heard of Tallan until I read about him on your forum and I have no doubt he’ll be big sometime soon. It’s strange but he makes me think about reincarnation. Now, who could he be? wink Blues music may evolve but it will never die if talented kids like T-Man are inspired by the guitar heroes of previous generations (that includes you, Joe).

This forum is populated by some wonderful people and is a great community and educator and something to be extremely proud of - I’m sure you are.  It's also addictive, but it's not harmful and you can't be arrested for it.  big_smile


Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: This is the stuff I like..

I wondered how Tallan compares to Joe when Joe was that age. Now we know. It's obvious that Joe never thought he was good enough and has driven himself to become who he is today. I hope Tallan learns from that and is never satisified with how good he is and keeps on working so he will continue to turn heads as an adult.

Never thought of turning the negative into a positive. You know what they say there is no bad publicity. I'm sure Joe had experience with professional jealousy growing up and he still does today. He has used it to motivate not deture him.

Tallan like Joe both have supportive families and will help him get through the tough times. All I know is if I could play half as good as Tallan I'd be happy.

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Evan wrote:

Guess I'm out of the loop...what happened to Joe?

Evan the same thing that will happen to you someday. Girl trouble. Joe is hurting in a very public way right now. As a fan and a friend of Joe's I would just like to ask eveyone to allow him to deal with it privatley.

Re: This is the stuff I like..

It really breaks my heart, seeing a kid that's plays better turnarounds than I do! And I started playing before he was even born!

Good luck to the lad. He's got potential!

What did you expect to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wild beasts sweeping majestically over the fields?

12 (edited by cathysiler 2008-08-13 08:06:39)

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Eva..While you would think the Blues Community would be supportive of each other, it's just not the case. IF they feel you've paid your dues, IF you conform to what they decide is the Blues, IF you tow the line....maybe. I'm sad to say that, but it's true. Joe and others like him ARE supporting these young players and telling them THEY own the future.

Joe, THIS is one of my primary reasons for loving you. On behalf of the future, THANK YOU!

Good luck Boss!    Sounds like you're living the Blues..lemons to lemonade..must be a song for the new CD in all this??                                  Cathy

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Here's a news clip about Tallan and his situation:

Joe, everything happens for a reason. This shall pass. If theres anything I can do, give me a shout. Jim has my contact info.

Stay Strong

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Joe - and here I thought "If Heartaches were nickles" was all about me!!! How arrogant I can be.  Just kidding...  I'm sure that you'll get inspiration for several songs from this.  We all move on... see you Tuesday!

Tallan - way to go.  Too bad Wisconsin's laws aren't as liberal as New York's were 20 years ago that allowed Joe to get all that exposure. Rock on!

Major Tom to ground control...


Re: This is the stuff I like..

Joe Bonamassa wrote:

I have to say I am so happy that the guy who turned him in literally bought Talan a "million" dollars of free publicity..   Congrats Talan, your famous and you have the guy who was jealous of you to thank...  All the more sweeter.   You are a true prodigy and I am very proud of you.. one blues wonderkind to another.  You are so far ahead me at your age its not funny.   You are the future and when the book is written about you, all that needs to be said is Thank you mystery man.. One for our side.  for a minute it made me forget my problems..  I am so proud to be a small part of this kids carreer..  This is so cool..... 
Joe Bonamassa

Seriously cool.....anybody have the number for Fox News??  This thang has Greta Van Susteren written all over it.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

Re: This is the stuff I like..

Spider wrote:

Here's a news clip about Tallan and his situation:

Joe, everything happens for a reason. This shall pass. If theres anything I can do, give me a shout. Jim has my contact info.

Stay Strong

God, you'd have to be a serious prick to hold this kid back! Who would do something like that?

What did you expect to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wild beasts sweeping majestically over the fields?

Re: This is the stuff I like..'s%20Bio.htm

"Tallan has many musical influences that range across many genres of music from classical music to classic rock and from blues to country.  Tallan’s list is an endless list but some of his major influences that he came up with are:  Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Bonamassa, Walter Trout, BB King, Buddy Guy, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Steve Miller, Eric Johnson, Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi, Derek Trucks, Rush, Keith Urban, Craig Young, Collective Soul, Bach, Beethoven and the list goes on and on."

Not a bad list of influences!

Has Joe ever played with him?

"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity"  unknown

Re: This is the stuff I like..

I was so excited when I opened up my yahoo page too and saw this article!  Way to go getting the free publicity Tallan.........NICE.  Glad I have an autographed picture of him (thanks forum friend)

Looking forward to seeing you next week in Youngstown Joe!  Glad that Tallan brought a smile to your face. 
