Topic: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

No one rides for free! How far are you willing to treavle to see the JBB. With the gas the prices the way ther are, and only going up there are going to be sacrafices! Food for the body or food for the soul?????

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

Happy to say that we are currently trying to make travel plans to go from Texas to California to Nevada and back to Texas. That's not the furthest we've been -  we usually do a trip like this at least once a year. Not that it doesn't matter but gas prices have never entered the equation. I guess its all about proper motivation. big_smile


“A friend is someone that will help you move............a TRUE friend will help you move the bodies." -- anon

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

pcornell wrote:

Happy to say that we are currently trying to make travel plans to go from Texas to California to Nevada and back to Texas. That's not the furthest we've been -  we usually do a trip like this at least once a year. Not that it doesn't matter but gas prices have never entered the equation. I guess its all about proper motivation. big_smile


That sounds like another good road trip PC. 

We too have traveled far and wide to see Joe.  Trying to make plans to go from NC to Seattle this Dec.  We keep looking for some more dates to open up this summer in the South or East to make a road trip. 

Just like Phil said it is all about proper motivation.  To see Joe and fellow Bonafans is always worth it.   Joefest was still one of the highlights to travel and see Joe...

Music is good for the Soul...

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

I'm with you on this one Jane!
Being a single mother it's all I can do to justify traveling to Milwaukee and leave my kids for a whole evening... ok, they're teenagers. Got that "afraid they're burning the house down" fear going too, but unfortunately money does come into my equation as well. If I ever win the lottery, I'll travel anywhere to see Joe, but it's just not in the cards right now. In the mean time, I get to everyshow that I can. When he's here in Green Bay I plan on being at every one of the shows at the casino, plus anyone I can get there along with me!!! The more the merrier!
Julie in Green Bay smile

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

I have never added up the miles traveled to Joe shows over these past few years but I'm sure it's a few thousand, some of which I've driven alone and some of which with a carload (husband, kids, mom, niece... those ones seem so much longer:-).  As long as it's a logistical possibility and a friendly trip for the kids, I'll gladly find a way to make it to any Joe show that I can!  Speaking of kids & Joe shows, my two will have an upcoming milestone:  their first actual Joe Show, at the Western Maryland Blues Festival in Hagerstown on June 2nd.  That'll be the first of the summer Joe show road trips which will, unfortunately, cost more than last year due to the gas prices.  It'll be worth every penny, though, and every kids' DVD we have to tolerate on the way there & back.

"The Blues is like a tonic for all that ails you."  BB King

Rock ON & Keep the Faith!

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

The farthest I've gone is from Omaha to Atlanta--but that was by air, courtesy of some friends who had frequent flyer miles to burn.  So I'm not sure if that counts.  smile

The furthest I've driven is to Granby, CO.

I'm kicking around the notion of driving to Clear Lake, since I'm a Tesla fan, too.  But I'm not sure yet, especially since Joe will be here the very next day for Playing with Fire.

Decisions, decisions . . .

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

Hi everyone, we just couldn't let this topic slide, do you know what it cost us here in Germany for a gallon of gas?
About $5.50 to $6.00 - my point? To go and see Joe Bonamassa in concert, a tank full of gas is a very small price to pay. We'd pay double that price and still be happy to see him live on stage!

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

It's not always that easy... and it's not always about the money. I'm the first one to mention that gas prices here are still nothing like the prices in other parts of the world. Sometimes it just about being able to get off work, make arrangements for children... being away from what is going on at home, that is too high of a price to pay for some of us. Maybe once my kids are all grown and independent, I will have more freedom to just travel to concerts when I choose. In the mean time... I listen to Joe every day, I attend concerts whenever possible, and live vicariously through others who do have the time and resources to be able to get away and enjoy. I understand what you are saying about a small price to pay, but sometimes the money I would use to travel to that concert means the new track shoes that my son needs won't be bought. So, ya... sometimes it is too high of a price to pay even when you are properly motivated.
Julie in Green Bay

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

I'd really love to go to every concert, but with me it's school - and the lack of a driver's licence. That's really going on my nerves! Someone always has to give me a ride, and if noone's got time... sad
I think there should be a law that allows pupils at least one day per month leave for concerts!
I agree that it's hard for mothers - and dog owners. My mother stays at home most of the time to take care of the dog or my brother when he doesn't want to go with us. How about a law that grants everyone who loves music a housekeeper for some weeks of the year? smile)

Peace and Love!

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

My son is in the same position without the drivers license.
I too wish that I could go to every concert, but I guess it makes me appreciate the ones that I do get to see.
Julie in Green Bay

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

I'll be going from Pittsburgh to Hagerstown MD on 6/2.Fortunately it is on the way to Dover DE where i am headed to after the show to visit a friend there and also attend the NASCAR race.Next its off to Ocean City MD for a couple days on the beach.I cant even guess what its gonna cost in gas.Not to boast,I fortunately have some extra expendable income.I am a divoriced (12 years of marriage) male who never had any children.My point is the question of who has it better or worse...People who have a family and their priorities straight or us that just piss everything away and no family? Money buys me sporatic happiness but (like the song says) never love.

Tell me about the car i saw parked outside your door ? Tell me what you left me waiting two or three hours for ? Tell me why when the phone rings, baby, your up and across the floor ? Please dont keep me wondering no more.....

12 (edited by David 2006-05-02 19:13:31)

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

I know I enjoy my freedom, darrflo. To do anything I want at any time. Never give up on love though smile

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

Hi, Darrflo.  I'm not sure if anyone in either of the categories that you mention has it better or worse; just different!  Anyway, I will be at the Fest in Hagerstown, too, coming from Youngstown, OH.  I hope a warm, dry summer night will be the backdrop for the show. See you there!

"The Blues is like a tonic for all that ails you."  BB King

Rock ON & Keep the Faith!

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

our situation is almost like lui´s... we don´t have a drivers license yet and because we are not 18 yet, our parents have  to decide how far we can go to see joe... if we had the possibility to travel to more than one or two concerts in the country, it would be one of the greatest things we can imagine now...

Nina and Ricarda from Germany

Re: a$$, ga$$ or Gra$$

As I had posted earlier tonight - we flew from Belfast, N. Ireland to Scottsdale, Arizona - and it was sooooo worth it!!