Topic: Mohican Blues Fest Show

What may have been quite a tumultuous day for Joe notwithstanding, he put on a primo show--as usual--at the Mohican Blues Fest in Loudonville, OH.  As he said last night, it's probably the only blues fest location that he's ever played that may not be on a map.  Certainly, the location of this blues fest is very remote and felt much farther away than the 115 miles we drove to get there but once the announcer left the stage and Joe stepped on it was well worth every mile.  I didn't write down or memorize the set list, and none were taped to the stage & available for acquisition after the show, but from the introductory Takin' the Hit to the encore with Asking Around for You and the Just Got Paid/Zep closing, Joe's playing brought to mind words like 'exemplary' and 'masterful' and also brought to mind one phrase, in particular:  simply the best!  That's sure how it sounded to me and obviously to the rest of the enthusiastic (to say the least) crowd.  The acoustic set was a delightful showcase of Joe's amazing work, and after watching it up close once again I have no idea how he avoids carpal tunnel syndrome.  It was awesome to hear some Django, and to see it played on that beautiful candy blue/silver Gigliotti!  Mark was perfectly complimentary, as always, and when I think of a word worthy of describing Bogie's drum solo during Had to Cry Today I'll have to log back in & add it. 

Thanks again to Joe & Co. for an entire day's worth of difficult work, then putting it aside for an hour & 40 minutes to put all of themselves into another great show.  It's greatly & truly appreciated!

(Note to guitar tech:  Some of us are from urban areas and were not under the influence at all!;-)

"The Blues is like a tonic for all that ails you."  BB King

Rock ON & Keep the Faith!

2 (edited by Barbara 2006-08-20 16:45:29)

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Well said Melissa.  You perfectly described Joe's show at the very remote Mohican Blues Fest.  Joe, Bogie and Mark were "outstanding".  We lucked didn't rain but was sunny, hot and humid all day.  A perfect day for the fest.  Good to see you there Melissa.

Joe, my sincere thanks to you, Bogie and Mark for an putting on an incredible show last night.  You continue to amaze me with your extraordinary talent, abundant energy and excitement that you bring to all of your performances.  How do you do it, night after night?  Mark hope you had a truly special birthday yesterday.  You were great.  Bogie, your drum solos just blew me away.  They were AWESOME!!!!  And thanks so much for being so nice and letting me get my picture taken with you---you are the best!  It was great seeing you guys.  Take care and have a safe trip over to the U.K.  Barbara

3 (edited by David 2006-08-21 17:37:38)

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Are there any pics of the show, Melissa?

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Indeed I do, David.  Check your email in a few minutes. :-)

"The Blues is like a tonic for all that ails you."  BB King

Rock ON & Keep the Faith!

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Thanks, Melissa! I got 'em.

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

I have been following JB for the last three years since a friend told me he saw him in Vegas backing Jonny Lang. He was blown away as I was after the first time I saw him perform. I have seen him progress into a unbelievable accomplished guitarist, only getting better with age and experience. Out of the 4 times I have seen him play, twice I stuck around to watch him interact with the fans.
I have never seen him display arrogance towards anyone, nor appear to have that persona that he is all that. He is patient, courteous, humourous and more than willing to sign autographs.
To those who chose to write negative things about JB, well thats your opinion, it mostly appears to be an unfounded basis for those opinions none the less. Its simple, if you feel that he is tainted by his success or his concerts are 10 minutes to short or better yet as Willfredo puts it, he wears "Mick Jagger" pants (why are you looking at his **** anyway?), then don't @#$%^^&# go to his shows..........its that simple. That way there the fans who appreciate his talents and respect him as a human being can have more room at the front of the stage to admire a trues blues legend in the making.


Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

I generally dont reply to these things but I had alot of  fun at my third time at the Mohegan blues fest.. It was the best crowd I have witnessed since I started.  I like playing there and spent all day signing and shaking hands with all the dedicated people who drove to the remote location.. But I will say this " My new ride doesnt affect anything and if people dont like the 2 hour show I am sorry" But hunting season on me is over... I get sick about 10 times a year because I go out and meet as may people as I can.. I never leave the stage early. I always preform like its my last show..   I spend alot of money on that bus so I can do 200 nights a year. I am frankley tired of the cheap shots on this forum by people with a motive or ax to grind..  If you dont like me fine... If you want to make cheap shots go somewhere else..  For god sake my mother reads this..  Willfredo...or what ever your name is.. I probably know or have  employed you  in some way.  your not right.... I can take any legitimate criticism but  you suck...Next time tell it to my face or ask for your money back.... Thats not  right,  your a coward and only have the balls to type and not talk...
Again hunting season on me is OVER... I am tired of doing the right thing and working myself to exhaustion  and getting this **##...
I like the forum but this has shaken my faith in why I do this for a living..
A Very Disapontied and frustrated  Joe Bonamassa

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Joe, First of all you don't need to respond to this kind of **##. 99% of all people on this forum know what you do and appreciate your dedication and sincerity when it come to appreciating your fans. Having the trolls coming out of the woodwork is part of being successful. There is a lot of jeoulsy in this world and people love to see others fail. They love to take shots at people that have risen above them in stature and fame. It could be a frustrated musician. It could be a long time fan that liked it when you were a guy playing Ohio 4 times a year and traveled around in a van. The bottom line is you don't need to be providing them an easy avenue to attack you here.

Nick. Off with his head.


Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

jim m wrote:

Joe, First of all you don't need to respond to this kind of **##. 99% of all people on this forum know what you do and appreciate your dedication and sincerity when it come to appreciating your fans. Having the trolls coming out of the woodwork is part of being successful. There is a lot of jeoulsy in this world and people love to see others fail. They love to take shots at people that have risen above them in stature and fame. It could be a frustrated musician. It could be a long time fan that liked it when you were a guy playing Ohio 4 times a year and traveled around in a van. The bottom line is you don't need to be providing them an easy avenue to attack you here.

Nick. Off with his head.


Well said.

Joe, in your effort to be accesable you have provided the crack pots a ready made vehicle for them to attack you; as fans and friends post in order to get the truth out, they get attacked on other sites or via email for not being objective. As if objectivity is measured by only being negative.

It's time to actively moderate these forums and prevent these assholes from causing you, your family, friends, and fans unwarranted frustration.


“A friend is someone that will help you move............a TRUE friend will help you move the bodies." -- anon


Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Joe's comment about the crowd being very enthusiastic was right on the money
and Their enthusiasm pretty much says it all. Apparently the majority of the people
there werent overly concerned or disappointed by Joe's music not being straight up
blues. I heard nothing but very positive comments coming from every direction and
having been at Mohican several times before, I dont remember the crowd Ever cheering
like that before for any of the other bands.

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Oh, jeez, I should have never started this topic about Mohican but just I wanted to express that it was yet another awesome show.  None of the 30+ shows that I've seen in the past few years have been anything but, no matter what the hours preceding the show consisted of for you, what the venue was like, how large the crowd was, etc., and I am merely one of thousands of fans who could clearly see it.  Other than a handful of ________s (insert favorite expletive) with personal agendas likely driven by psychological issues, I have never witnessed or heard about anyone who didn't come away with something good from your music.  Everyone--including you--knows that you do your best and it's obvious that your best travels far & wide; all over the world from entire audiences at clubs big and small, to individuals for whom your music helps provide a backdrop for healing or the soundtrack of life's best times.  Or both. 

With that in mind, I do not feel that there is any need for you to answer to the aforementioned few who are compelled to be contrary here on this forum or elsewhere 'cause they're full of crap.  Unfortunately, though, if some personality types realize that there is an opportunity to be themselves, either by signing up here for the sole purpose of posting an insult or seeking a place that facilitates something more involved, they will do so.  However, I don't feel that it should be tolerated, either; a short shelf-life of such posts might be an effective deterrent and/or a big clue to either   a) shut one's trap, or   b) go bark up the tree of someone/somewhere for whom such presentation of opinion is acceptable, 'cause you shouldn't have to be subjected to it.

I could obviously get carried away, but I just wanted to implore you to try not to get disenchanted by the cheap shots themselves or the fact that a few people have the audacity to post them right on your forum.  In the network (la famiglia) of fans with whom I've become familiar and certainly way beyond it, everyone is proud of what you've accomplished and very appreciateve of not only the product that it's resulted in but all the work that it takes on and off the stage to provide it.  It's been both entertaining and interesting to see & hear you develop as an artist and it's way cool to so very much enjoy everything from ANDY to You & Me, all the shows in between, and whatever is in store for the future.

"The Blues is like a tonic for all that ails you."  BB King

Rock ON & Keep the Faith!

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

I agree that Joe's show at Mohican was great.  I missed some of the guitar tricks he's done in the past and rejoyced at the stuff I'd never seen, but that's just me being a guitar player and a huge fan.  I give Joe credit for keeping things fresh.  Joe continues to entertain long time fans and completely stun new fans.  As always, I heard lots of comments in the crowd after the show from folks who were just completely blown away.

I was also at Mohican 2 years ago and the sound is consistently fantastic for an outdoor show.  The sound company deserves a round of applause.

That said, I can't help but feel that the Mohican Blues Festival was, in general, better two years ago.  That was obviously not Joe's fault or the fault of the bands that did not make it there.  I just think that the festival management made less effort to make this feel like a real festival and entertaining for all ages.  It's still a great time, and I recommend the festival to anyone who's never attended.  I look forward to bigger and better festivals in the future.  And let's get that campsite on a map already!

Craig's Guitar Tech Resource - free information online.
Guitar Repair and Customization in Northeast Ohio since 1979.

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show


Here is the set list, as good as I could remember it, from the Mohican Blues Fest:

A quick sound check from the side of the stage (to get the guy to finish with the 50/50 drawing, maybe:-)

Takin the Hit
Walk in my Shadows
So Many Roads*
Mountain Time
Bridge Better Days
A New Day Yesterday
Acoustic set -Miss you hate you
Woke of Dreaming
HTCT w/ Bogie's solo

Asking around for You
Just Got Paid/Dazed and Confused

Thanks for another great show!  Thanks also for signing our flyer and Southland Blues Magazine.  By the way, my wife loves her new tank top!

*I think it was played right here, but maybe not.  He did play it for sure, though.  Does anyone remember when?

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

To Joes' Mom. (Since I now know she reads this).

You should be proud of the way your son behaves I have been to no less than Six shows and have been able to meet him at every one and have anything signed that I wanted.  This is the only entertainer that I have met that has done this.

You should be proud of his work ethic.  I remember when I saw Joe and the band show up in a white van and trailer thinking to myself how can he do 200 shows a year traveling like this.  That is dedication. 

You should be proud of his respectfulness.  It can be easily seen the respect he has for the other musicians that have paved the way for him and others.

I want to thank you for raising your son properly and giving the values that help him succeed.

Jim Arlin

PS:  I saw the new ride in Akron. I am proud to help support this and hope it is working well.  I still am amazed that Joe can do 200 plus shows a year traveling like that.  There is a lot of sacrifice being on the road.

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

I agree with SRV-Rocks 1000%.  Joe is the most approachable, down to earth performer I've ever met and few even come close to treating his fans so good.  In that category, Joe wins first prize and Frank Marino gets a not too distant second.  Third place, based on my experiences, is still up for grabs.

Craig's Guitar Tech Resource - free information online.
Guitar Repair and Customization in Northeast Ohio since 1979.

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Wow,it's truly amazing what damage 1 crazy idiot can do,isn't it?  From one of the 99.9999999% of grateful fans, this was my 2nd time seeing Joe and my first Mohican Blues Festival. Totally different show from last year  in Athens,OH at the Blue Gator. Different set,different atmosphere,different type of crowd,different bass player and drummer. Another truly unforgettable experience. I can't even begin to say how elated and great I felt after the show. We slowly crept to the front of the stage and by the 3rd song we were right in front of Mark for the rest of the concert. Thanks to all the drinkers who had to go pee! Haha! WOW! What a performance. The acoustic set was the most incredible display of musicianship that I have ever witnessed, in league with Stevie Ray on a 12 string.  I would like to appologize to Joe for the moron who posted that crap earlier. Unfortunately,as you continue to grow by leaps and bounds to recieve the recognition that your amazing talents demand, you will have to scrape some pooh off your shoe along the way. Thank you so much for coming to Mohican and please,take care of yourself and forget all the pooh! Your real fans are here for you.

17 (edited by pattyluvsjoe 2006-08-25 21:38:13)

Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

Well, Joe it's been a few days since the last posting to this one.....I must be a slow reader or I just get caught up in the general discussion ...anyway I said it before and I'll say it again.....I luv' you just the way you are.  Don't let all this get to you too much...Just saw John Fogerty in Chicago...Willie Nelson opened for him....the Chicago Tribune gave a review of Willie and only mentioned John's name once as the me, Willie was not the even the big boys take knocks and ole' JCF has been around a long time..... it's not the first time for him and he just keeps touring and reaching out to all the fans who love you just hold your head up high and be very proud of who you are and what you're becoming...behind you 100% of the way......I can't even imagine how proud your family must be of you.  I know I am.   Patty

"I'm not nice to any guitar!"      lol
                 Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12


Re: Mohican Blues Fest Show

I would like to just say that the Mohican show was killer. It was my first time seeing JB and I was very impressed. And I'd have to agree with those who say JB is a classy guy who cares about his fans. I didn't talk to him, but he was backstage watching my band play (I play bass with the Chris Canas band) and I'd like to think by his expressions he was impressed. At least he apparently enjoyed the show. He didn't have to come out  and watch---he's on tour, for Crissakes---he needs some down time, I'm sure, to prevent burnout. That's undoubtedly what that motor coach is for.
Funny, the complaints about the show from some posters. Most, I'm sure, have little concept of how life on the road really is. TV documentaries can't really give the viewer the true feel of life on the road. I wouldn't read too much into what the critics say.
After all, a lot of people buy records from (insert name of mega-popular group here) without concern for any talent contained therein. We all could provide examples of no-talent acts that sell billions of records while great talents like JB struggle to stay afloat. I've said it before and I'll say it again:
People are sheep.
They will cheerfully hand over their hard-earned cash for anything that they think will make them fit in with the "in" crowd whatever that may be. This is never going to change.
So, let's just keep enjoying and supporting great LIVE music, so more great talents won't be afraid to go out and bring their music to us.

Trying to do my part.....shep