Re: Jacksonville - Florida Theater 05-02-2008

Upsetme wrote:


Thanks for posting all of those great shots of the Cocoa and JAX shows. When I see the acoustic, I can't get "Woke Up Dreaming and Ball Peen Hammer" out of my head. What power...what command, I'm still having trouble getting my jaw back in place. I didn't realize that my TMJ syndrome stood for Too Much Joe.

In all my travels, if I catch the band on a layover I will be sure to post some pics.


I'll be looking forward to them.  Don't forget to keep checking the tour page. wink  You never know where he might be be playing. 

As always it was great seeing you guys again.  Looking forward to the next time. 

Until then...

Susan smile

"Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding"