Topic: What's your kid's favorite CD?

Over the years of frequenting this place, I've seen tons of posts about what your favorite musician, CD, live show, etc. is.  But now that I'm a proud parent of the cutest 1 year old on the planet - I'm wondering what everyone elses kid's listen to.  I can say hands down that my son considers JB to be his favorite.  He already says spoon, amen, mama, snow, toes, guitar and several other things - but Bonamassa will be part of his vocabulary any day now.  Plus, we can't go one evening without without cuddling in front of JB TV or the Rockpalast DVD.  It's amazing to see him try to express that he is in the mood to listen to Sloe Gin instead of Mountain Time (sorry, I push Mountain Time)! 

Anyway, is this normal?  What is your child's favorite CD of all time?  Include your child's age and gender, I'm curious if that matters.  And add your comments about how you try or don't try to influence your child's musical preferences. 

If you're a teen or a young person who doesn't have kids, please let me know how your parents influence(d) your musical tastes.

Kristine, mama to Joey Z., future musician smile

PS I heard in one of the JB TV interviews last night that Joe started training in guitar at age 4.  Do you think that's too young?  Joe - if you are reading and have any input, please share!

Re: What's your kid's favorite CD?

Cool topic.  When my daughter was three she used to carry the artwork from ANDY and point to Joe's pic saying she was going to marry him someday.  She knew all of the lyrics to the songs too.  She doesn't listen to Joe too much anymore unless I have it on, but still has good taste in music considering what kids are exposed to these days.  She is ten now and is into everything from Tom Petty, Uncle Kracker and soundtracks from Grease, Phantom of the Opera and School of Rock.  Tom Petty is probably her favorite.  Last Saturday while I was driving she handed me a CD to put in.  To my horror it was the Alvin and the Chipmunk's movie soundtrack.  It was very hard, but I left it in and didn't say a word.

My son is five and is into everything good so far.  He's a fan of just about anything I listen to including Hendrix, Trower, Beck, Albert King, Albert Collins, Muddy Waters, Joe--you name it.  He really digs songs in minor keys that are dark sounding.  When he was a baby he loved Robert Johnson, but now he says it kind of scares him and he can't tell the songs apart.

"There is nothing to it.  You only have to hit the right notes at the right time and the instrument plays itself."---Johann Sebastian Bach

Re: What's your kid's favorite CD?

My 16 yr old is in to rock, her favorite is Blink-182. She was pretty closed minded when it came to my music until last year. She started digging through my collection and found many artists she likes. She's on a Beatles kick right now.  My 23 yr old favors country but she listens to rock, blues/rock and rap. The 26 yr old likes trance and Enya. My 30 yr old is a headbanger, Metallica is her favorite.

They have turned me on to a lot of good music I would have never known about. 3 out of 4 of them likes Joes music and want to go see him. Looks like I need to work on that last one a little bit more.