Topic: Pacific Rd. My first gig
Well what can i say
When you all said i was in for a Bonabaptism i did't realize it ment a rip roaring white water rapid hang on for dear life ride with a trip over the edge of Niagara falls for good measure. Big high to Geoff and his lovely partner. Geoff cept looking over at me during the gig and i wasn't really saying or doing much but i was in that stunned i can't belive he is doing that with the guitar mode. So what was the highlight of the gig? Well that's a bit like asking someone who is on the summitt of Everest "What's the best part of the view" the whole gig was the highlight!!!!! Let me try and sum it up.
The crowd expectant with a genuine love and affection for Joe and the boys,The band, tight as a drum, shining i their own right, One man and his guitar playing with passion and heart way beyond his years, happy faces eger to meet Joe and have a chat, old friends meeting up for a drink and making their way home happy to have been part of something special.
I had a chat with Joe and got my guitar strap signed,he was't feeling to well and i thoght to myself well if that's him when he's not well. A interesting development was that there were several members of the national press taking photos, i think the word is spreading
Well role on July 17th when he is appearing at the Carling Acadamy in Liverpool city centre
Big hello to all Bonamates and keep on rockin