Topic: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

If There We're Only 5 Shows That you could see in The Coming year ..  What Artist's Would you Travel to See

These are the 5 Artist's I Wanna See

1 ..... Albert Cummings
2 ..... Philip Sayce
3 ..... Back Door Slam
4 ..... Lance Lopez
5 ..... Kenny Wayne Shepherd

Oh ..... PS .... I'd give them all up to get to see Led Zeppelin in London in 2 Weeks .......   hmm

................................... Michael

Joe Bonamassa .......  His Greatest 3 Videos ... IMMHO   After Much Deliberation
3rd ...... Mountain Time / Rockpalast
2nd ...... Sloe Gin       /  Vienna             
1st ....... Blues Deluxe / The Borderline

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

Here's my list -

Albert Cummings ( seeing him next month with Roy )
Lance Lopez
Gary Moore
Eric Steckel
Rolling Stones
Eric Sardinas
opps that's 6.

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

1.  Joe Bonamassa
2.  Led Zeppelin
3.  Eric Clapton / Stevie Winwood
4.  Gary Moore
5.  Joe Bonamassa

Music is good for the Soul...

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

michael*lynch wrote:

If There We're Only 5 Shows That you could see in The Coming year ..  What Artist's Would you Travel to See

These are the 5 Artist's I Wanna See

1 ..... Albert Cummings
2 ..... Philip Sayce
3 ..... Back Door Slam
4 ..... Lance Lopez
5 ..... Kenny Wayne Shepherd

Now that's a great list. If I could change one I would put my new favorite in place of KWS.
Scarlett runner, honorable mention to Ryan McGarvey.

Take care everyone. And if I don't meet you no more in this world
Then ill, I'll meet you in the next one and don't be late, don't be late

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

First, I'm going with Michael and Jeff to all their shows..Then to England for a Hoax reunion..(My biggest show wish) with Aynsley Lister opening. Next, another Crossroads With JOE, follow Joe and hit some festivals.....(i know)...My point is I could never just have 5. Just trying to conceive of only 5 has given me hives!     Cathy

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

1. lance lopez
2. craig erickson
3. james mcmurtry
4. popa chubby
5. down

If wine and pills were hundred dollar bills
I might keep you satisfied

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

Joe & crew just goes without saying so,

1. BB King
2. Bonnie Raitt
3. Greg Koch
4. Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi
5. Walter Trout

That's it for today, but I'll have a new list tomorrow.

"There is nothing to it.  You only have to hit the right notes at the right time and the instrument plays itself."---Johann Sebastian Bach

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

Lance Lopez
Philip Sayce
Albert Cummings
Scarlet Runner
Walter Trout
I'll cheat and give "b" list
Craig Erickson
Eric Gales
Chris Aaron Band with Corey Sterling
Sean Chambers

Your rock candy baby
Your hard sweet and sticky

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

Joe Bonamassa (always!)
Walter Trout
Coco Montoya
Jeff Healey (Again, great live show)
BB King (just, awesome!)

I've seen BB King live 2x and he always puts on a great show. I always catch Joe when he is in the area, who cares about the drive! smile

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

1.  Joe Bonamassa
2.  Led Zeppelin
3.  Foo Fighters
4.  David Gilmour
5.  Roger Waters 

Well, one out of 5 ain't bad!

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

Joe Bonamassa
Kings X
Jonny Lang
John Meyer
Tree doors down
The Fray
Sarah McLachlan
Amanda Marshall

and so mutch more that mabye i forget or even dont know at this time....... list will never end

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

I'll go for artists I've not seen live till now:

-Allman Brothers
-Derek Trucks
-Gov't Mule
-Albert Cummings
-Robin Trower.

I know that Trucks and Haynes are in the Allman Brothers but I'd like to see them with their own band too.

Andre Wittebroek

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

ok its hard to say i have seen every band on everyones list a bunch of times  so  i will give you some shows i will be going to next year for sure .

1-joe bonamassa
2-robin trower
3-the allman brothers band
4-gov't mule
5-derek trucks
6-johnny winter
7-tommy castro
led zeppelin if they come to the u.s.a also pink floyd . i do about 75 to 100 shows a year but theses shows i listed i have tickets for most of them and the other ones i will have tickets for pretty soon  . i can go on for ever but lets leave it at that . one more yes if they come around this summer .............joe

14 (edited by pattyluvsjoe 2007-11-27 20:38:50)

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

I would have to go with these 5 shows:

1.  Joe Bonamassa
2.  Joe Bonamassa
3.  Joe Bonamassa
4.  Joe Bonamassa
5.  Joe Bonamassa

and the reason being, I have seen all the big boys that I've always wanted to see, some more than once.  My current mode is that I get a "real kick" out of seeing Joe & Co. in different locations.  It makes it a whole different show for me and I love meeting more people off of this forum and/or seeing those I've already met again. 

There's still nothing like it for me when Joe first comes out on stage, gives the look, salute, and nod, and then Joe shouting, "One, two....One, two three, four..." and  away we go.  The initial chords to "Walk In My Shadows"  it's like a "call to arms" for me....... wink     So for now, I would take 5 Joe-shows over anything else.   It's still a huge thrill for me to see Joe. 

"I'm not nice to any guitar!"      lol
                 Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12


Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

BluesMan wrote:
pattyluvsjoe wrote:

I would have to go with these 5 shows:

1.  Joe Bonamassa
2.  Joe Bonamassa
3.  Joe Bonamassa
4.  Joe Bonamassa
5.  Joe Bonamassa

and the reason being, I have seen all the big boys that I've always wanted to see, some more than once.  My current mode is that I get a "real kick" out of seeing Joe & Co. in different locations.  It makes it a whole different show for me and I love meeting more people off of this forum and/or seeing those I've already met again. 

There's still nothing like it for me when Joe first comes out on stage, gives the look, salute, and nod, and then Joe shouting, "One, two....One, two three, four..." and  away we go.  The initial chords to "Walk In My Shadows"  it's like a "call to arms" for me....... wink     So for now, I would take 5 Joe-shows over anything else.   It's still a huge thrill for me to see Joe. 


Include me on those 5 shows when you buy your ticket. Don't worry, I'm good for the money and I'll pay you back for my ticket. Now, where should we meet?


In the parking lot, we'll start each show by tailgating, okay?  I'll tell Rhonda to bring the "signature" jello shots!  It doesn't get any better...................

"I'm not nice to any guitar!"      lol
                 Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12


Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

One show, one place, one card:

1. Army Of Anyone
2. Velvet Revolver
3. Stone Temple Pilots (original members)
4. Guns N' Roses (original members)

overlapping artists play two shows. Zakk Wylde does this at Ozzfest. 55 minute sets for 1 & 2 - and 80 minute sets for 3 & 4.

- Nic from Detroit... posting on JB's Forum since 6-2-2006
Ask me about my handwound Great Lakes Guitar Pickups
Since 2010, Bonamassa fans have taken advantage of my JB friend discount = my cost + shipping. cool

Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

ok my 5 shows

1)  Led Zep

2)  Joe Bonamassa

3)  The Eagles

4)  Steve Augeri

5)  Heart


Re: 5 Shows You'd Like to See

my list:
1- Brad Paisley (never seen him and afraid never will,not in Holland i think)
2-Joe B.(saw him 7 x but can't get enough of him)
3- BB King( saw him 2x but would love to see him more)
4-Eric Clapton( saw him 1x last year in Rotterdam,Holland)
5-The Eagles (never seen them live before)