Re: Oklahoma is O.K. !!!!

Glad to hear everyone had a great time. Patty, I always anticipate your reviews because you are one of the most devoted fans here and you're so enthusiastic. Keep it up. smile



Re: Oklahoma is O.K. !!!!

photogal wrote:

It was great hanging out with everyone before and after the show! It is always cool to meet up with forum members.

Was it me or did it appear that Joe played with an intensity like we have never seen before? I thought it was an absolutely fabulous show. And Bogie...that was an awesome drum solo, I know I always say that , but this one was way over the top! I actually forgot to take photos during part of your solo, I got caught up in watching you play! Rick, great solo, looking forward to hearing more of the keys. Carmine, thanks for chatting and all that you do ..... and when is Joe going to let you have a solo? smile

Shred, it was probably good that Patty and I did not go to the SRV show, I got home Sunday evening, my Explorer sat in the garage Sunday night, and when I went to start it up Monday morning to take care of some errands, it was absolutely dead! Not sure if it is the battery, starter thingy, or something else. I have no mechanical abilities! lol...on the other hand, had it done that Sunday morning, I would have had to leave it until Monday when a shop in Tulsa could have looked at it and Patty and I would have been "compelled" to go to Dallas because we would not have had anything else to do!  oh well! I have someone taking a look at it this evening. Hopefully it won't cost too much $. I wouldn't want to have to cut into my "Groupie travel funds"! lol smile  I will have photos from the show posted in a day or two.


Not to worry sis, I grew up poor, so you learn to fix anything, probably just your battery, I would have had you on the road in a jiffy! Them SRV tickets got wasted, I could not find a sole to even give them to, so there going to go on the "Joe" wall of rememberence. The best thing that has happened out of this trip was bringing Deb to meet everyone, she hasnt called me a "groupie' really is taken back for all the fans Joe has, and when Joe called her "Mrs.Shredit", it made the trip for her.

You want a quick story?? Ok, here goes. We leave Tulsa and get on I-35 going south to Dallas. Were going down the road and I look at the speed limit posted, it says 65 mph on the top and 40 mph on the bottom of the sign. So I said to Deb " who in the hell is going to do 40 on the freeway, you'll get run over, these peeps are flying past us". I look down ahead about 10 miles, and say " hmm, looks like were going to get some rain drops ahead", so i find the local classic rock staton as Deb is closing her eyes for a nap. Well guess what? we hit a rain cell a few minutes later, and it starts to rain , no biggee, I still got the car on cruise control. Then all hell breaks loose, I cant see squat, I wake Deb up with " holy sh*t, i cant even see the road", she says" you got pull off the road Dave were gonna crash into something!!". I glanced down quickly at the speedometer, and I'm doing 25 mph, look in my mirror and see some fool flying by me by at least 60 mph. That cell lasted about 2 minutes, but felt like eternity, know i know why they had that 40 mph posted. I'm from Cali. were spoiled we never get that kind of down pour, we were wide awake after
