Topic: Oklahoma is O.K. !!!!
It is the wee hour of the morning and we all had a fan-tastic time at Cain's Ballroom. The venue was awesome and Oklahoman's know how to get down!It was our great pleasure to meet Jim Moody and he was great on the microphone. It was a very high energized crowd and everyone loved Joe,Bogie,Carmine & Rick. Crosby was a hit with the crowd,too. The opening act was Dustin Pittsley OMG....:) girls get your cameras out
They all had their A++++++++ game on tonight. They had some really cool echo effect going on in Sloe Gin when Joe was singing, I believe Jay gets the credit for was c-o-o-l. Bogie,dude, you were KILLER on your solo tonight!!! Great smiles from you and for you!
Rhonda and I have had the great pleasure in being in the company of Shred and Deb (Mrs.Shred). They are two very kind hearted people. They are alot of fun to hang with and we hope to see them in the morning for some breakfast. They are the caliber of people you would want for a friend. Luv ya' both.
Misterlee, it was an extreme pleasure to meet you and your cousins. I thouroughly enjoyed visiting with you and you are living proof of what great fans Joe has !! You were awesome!
I talked with alot of people around me, who were seeing Joe for the first time. They were blown away and totally mesmerized by our Joe.
Rhonda, my are a real trooper and the best-est friend a person could want....she just rocks on the photos and is so sweet to share with so many people.
Well, that just leaves one more guy to talk about and that is my hero, Joe. Joe, you rocked the house tonight. I didn't see anyone sitting still and I saw a lot of people groovin'.........I had the time of my life and just when I think it can't get any better, it always does. You are the best and I thank the lucky stars of heaven for you.......luv ya'
Okay it is late, I am rambling....time to sign off.....good night from Tulsa, OK

Joe Bonamassa 05-03-12