1 (edited by skortan 2007-09-18 12:59:16)

Topic: Aspen Show

We took a week-end road trip to see the show at The Belly Up in Aspen. We were very excited. Joe came out and played about 4 songs. The show lasted about 30 minutes and then he QUIT.
Management told us that he didn't want to play to a less than full house. He didn't care about the people that were there. The ones that came just to see him. It was very dissapointing. Deffinitely our LAST Joe Bonamassa show.

Re: Aspen Show

Hi Skortan. I'm really sorry to hear about your bad experience. I can't tell you what or why that happened. Historically Joe isn't quick to disappoint an audience..I hope he'll post a reason. I've seen him in small clubs and have never witnessed an ego-driven event such as you describe. I do know that club managers ALWAYS blame the artist for any problems..Again, I'm really sorry this happened...Cathy

Re: Aspen Show

Yes, it really did suck. People boo'd, that's not good. We have seen him before and he was fantastic. Don't know what happened. The show was supposed to start at 10:00. Everything
was over by 10:50. Loggins came out at around 9:30 and did about 40 - 45 minutes, don't know if that's normal or not. They were all drinking car bombs on stage, don't know if that's normal or not either.

Re: Aspen Show

All I can say is I've been to a few of Joe's shows where it was far short of a capacity crowd, as recently as a couple weeks ago at the Surf Ballroom, and he's given nothing less than 100% each time. I've also never seen Joe or anybody in his current band drink on stage. I'm assuming a car bomb is a cocktail of some sort.

Re: Aspen Show

well, i can assure  you there was a better reason than that, in my experience joe may be many things, but arrogant isnt one of them.  also it isnt like he sells out every show, so a less than full house owuldnt be a surprise to him.  not playing a show is always a sticky situation.  it is like when the singer is sick or the sound is just awful as was the first time i saw him.  you play the show and put on a bad performance people are going to #@$@# about it, you cancel people are going to #@$@# about it.  it is no win.  sorry to hear about your luck, but i hope you reconsider never seeing him again, youll regret it when you look back and realized you denied yourself musical history for the sake of holding grudges and being sutbborn.  have a good one.


If wine and pills were hundred dollar bills
I might keep you satisfied

Re: Aspen Show

There is always two sides to every story.  I would wait to hear Joe's side before making a comment.   A Car Bomb is a Guiness with one dropping a shot glass of Bailey's and then chugging it down.

Music is good for the Soul...

Re: Aspen Show

I'm sure these feelings of being brushed off will pass. We've seen him before and he was great. But that being said, it doesn't change what happened. You make plans, you take time off work, you travel and spend $$, you would like a little better than what we got. The people that walked across the street for the show deserved better. Yes, a reason better than what we got from management would certainly be welcome. Believe me, the Manager had nothing good to say about what happened, or Joe either.

Re: Aspen Show

As far as the drinks go, a fan in the audience bought a round of car bombs for himself, Crosby and his fiddle player. When Crosby was done playing he brought a full tray of car bombs up on stage for both bands. I am in no way insinuating that the drinks are the reason for the way the evening turned out.

Re: Aspen Show

I almost came up for the Aspen show. Haven't been to Aspen in a while. I talked to a friend that was there. He said there were less than 20 people in the place. The word was Joe had tried to cancel to avoid having a sparse crowd. Aspen this time of year can be pretty dead.
Shows cancel all the time when ticket sales are not what is expected. Canceling is doing the promoter a favor. They have to pay the band whether there is 20 or 200 in attendance.

Sorry to hear about your disapointment skortan. Not sure how far you drove but if I had driven to Aspen for a short set I would of wanted the beer to flow like wine. Or maybe had a car bomb or two myself. Were the leaves changing yet?

10 (edited by skortan 2007-09-18 16:43:32)

Re: Aspen Show

Yes, the leaves are changing, fresh snow, Independance pass was beautiful. There was probably closer to 100 people there. Beer can't flow too freely at $4 a bottle!

Re: Aspen Show

joe is payed if there is one person or 600 people so i don't see him just cutting out . if there where other bands playing i am sure they ran to long and joes set got cut . i have seen it many of times . don't let one show get you down . stay on the bonamassa bandwagon . i'm sure joe wasn't happy about playing that short either . keep your head up or i will kick it off . only joking ...............i'm sure joe will let everyone know the real deal on what happened .joe

Re: Aspen Show

interesting....Warren Haynes was SOLD OUT at this venue on Sept 3rd

Re: Aspen Show

skortan wrote:

Yes, the leaves are changing, fresh snow, Independance pass was beautiful. There was probably closer to 100 people there. Beer can't flow too freely at $4 a bottle!

The Beer flowing like wine is a quote from the movie Dumb and Dumber which I alsways think about when Aspen comes up in conversation. At least you got to see some scenery on your trip. Beautiful drive.

Re: Aspen Show

spongeworthiest wrote:

interesting....Warren Haynes was SOLD OUT at this venue on Sept 3rd

Labor Day Weekend. Makes a big difference. Not many tourists in town right now. This show was after Sunday Night Football. The main reason I didn't go was the show wasn't going to start till after the game. Kind of late for me. I'm not saying that Warren couldn't sell out on a regular night too. It is hard in a resort town off season. I worked in one for a year. Labor day was the last big weekend of the Summer season.

Re: Aspen Show

Hey Everybody,
          I am sorry I only played an hour in Aspen Co.  I have impacted wisdom teeth and was in about as much pain as a human could be in.  I expressed my desire to cancel but then thought that people would be driving up to see the show.  Again I played as long as I could.  In these situations its either damn if you do or damn if you dont. If anybody has experienced a wisdom tooth problem there are good days and really bad days. Sunday was the worst day.  I dont know if it was the altitude (Teluride was bad but not quite debilitaing)  We are trying to schedule SURGERY to get this taken care of(Yikes!!) as so not to have to cancel any shows this fall.   Sometimes I fall short due to a mitigating circumstances.  I hope nobody out there has to go through this..  Its been great for the diet though.
Joe Bonamassa

Re: Aspen Show

Whew Thank God Bostons at sea level     JBrules

Re: Aspen Show

Joe Bonamassa wrote:

Hey Everybody,
          I am sorry I only played an hour in Aspen Co.  I have impacted wisdom teeth and was in about as much pain as a human could be in.  I expressed my desire to cancel but then thought that people would be driving up to see the show.  Again I played as long as I could.  In these situations its either damn if you do or damn if you dont. If anybody has experienced a wisdom tooth problem there are good days and really bad days. Sunday was the worst day.  I dont know if it was the altitude (Teluride was bad but not quite debilitaing)  We are trying to schedule SURGERY to get this taken care of(Yikes!!) as so not to have to cancel any shows this fall.   Sometimes I fall short due to a mitigating circumstances.  I hope nobody out there has to go through this..  Its been great for the diet though.
Joe Bonamassa

Good luck with the surgery and your health, Joe.  It doesn't sound like a lot of fun but it should be good to get it taken care of and put it behind you.

18 (edited by susan 2007-09-19 14:26:38)

Re: Aspen Show

I knew there was a good reason.  What gets me is why the club's management would just tell people Joe left because there wasn't enough people in the crowd. 

Geez.  Some people....   roll


"Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding"