Topic: Can anyone answer a simple question?

How do I join the JB Fan Club? I've tried to find a way for quite some time. Please provide a link or a way to do this. It seems like there's exactly zero information on how this gets done any place, yet trying to buy pre-sale tickets list it as an option. Somebody MUST have information on this, why is it such a big mysterious secret?? smile I'm sure people want to be part of Joe's fan club who are having the same issue I am.

2 (edited by DougH 2022-05-10 12:23:32)

Re: Can anyone answer a simple question?

The "fan club " is basically no longer.
Pre-sale codes used to be posted here first long ago, but no more .

You can try sign up for JB newsletter,  they do email codes from time to time

But typically not it time.

Your best bet is to follow Joe on Facebook,  they post them there when available

Jane posted this link in another thread

If your show isn't listed keep checking as they update as shows are released


(If only I had 1% of Joe's guitar talent)

Re: Can anyone answer a simple question?

I have been on Joe's email list for quite some time. The link to buy tickets for the fall sale, from the official JB mailing list email, directs to a livenation site for purchasing. Sorry, this forum does not allow posting links, and I can only add hosted images not attachments to the forum post. If you get the email, it's as simple as clicking. It is titled 2022 Fall Tour Pre-Sale - Get the Best Seats Now!

This makes one believe there IS a JB Fan Club. I saw this on previous ticket sales when tour dates were announced as well, like the spring tour. It just seems crazy that people say there isn't one, yet the official link to the so-called official ticket sales site says there is. Please note this IS clicking the link directly from Joe's email to buy tickets now, not going off to some obscure Joe's Fans facebook site or whatever.

This image asking for a pre-sale code and indicating the existence of a JB Fan Club comes right up on the page and you cannot proceed during the first 48 hours if you do not have this code. Either someone is just calling it a JB Fan Club and it's really not, or there is actually one, and seems like nobody has any info about it (?).

Re: Can anyone answer a simple question?

Jane H. wrote:

for what its worth i clicked the link on my phone and i see that it doesnt say 'code' on any of them but on my PC it has a column that says "code"
so the mumbo jumbo words on each show are the code for that show

my question for you now is, how did you find the forum big_smile
because for all i know they took the link off the main site so if you didn't already know we were here its hard to find

Thanks for the info. It's unfortunate that they seem to be advertising a JB Fan Club that doesn't actually exist, and misleading people. It doesn't sit well with me that someone is doing that and making a stain on Joe's great rep.

I signed up here on August 8, a day before going to see Joe at Red Rocks, great show! I've bought a lot of cool goodies off the site including the Lazarus limited 300-run signature Epiphone and a bunch of T-Shirts smile Joe is coming to Phoenix and I live in Mesa so was just trying to get some pre-sale tickets for better seats when I go.

5 (edited by Lester 2022-05-12 04:32:11)

Re: Can anyone answer a simple question?

Good luck getting the tickets you want.
Don’t believe any artists have what used to be known as a Fan Club nowadays, think the internet and social media put paid to all that.
The Street Team topic should probably be deleted from the forum as I don’t believe it exists any more.

Enjoy the show.


Re: Can anyone answer a simple question?

since none of Joe's fall dates are anywhere me.. I 'ignored' the email I received.. just sat in my In bucket
(his facebook page is still faster to get the pre-sale codes than waiting on an email blast)

It's titled "Fall Pre-Sale  Get the best tickets now"
not titled fan pre-sale..

good luck with even using the codes..
my experience is that he's so popular now , and quite possibly Ticket Master locking seats down.. you'll be really luck to get row 10 centre

side note.. Joe for many years has favored stage right over stage left..
haven't seen him since before pandemic, so not sure if he's changed.. but doubt it.. I'd look for tickets to 'stage right of centre'


(If only I had 1% of Joe's guitar talent)