Topic: Captcha problems

I wanted to make the admins aware that the captcha to sign up to this forum was not visible in chrome and I couldn't make it appear.   I had to sign up using Safari browser, but even then I had to unblock the blocked content in the tool bar.   A friend of mine was trying to sign up and couldn't get the catphca to work.

Re: Captcha problems

Jane H. wrote:

Thanks for the info. I'll try to send a note to admin....not sure they read everything here.
welcome to the forum and hopefully we can get your friend signed up as well.

Hey Jane et all,

Thanks for the email heads up. I'm now testing the login and seeing the same issue.

We're going to try to figure out how to fix it, but to be honest, I'm guessing we're going to wind up in the same problem we always get into. Things break on this forum because the platform is very old, and wildly outdated. 90% of the time, there is no fix, since the developer doesn't support this system anymore. Worse yet, any time we change anything, (even colors) the entire forum gets up in arms and calls for our heads. So changing the forum to a new platform with automatic updates and fixes would be a TON of work, and is certain to anger everyone in the process.

Here's to hoping that a band-aid will fix this issue!