Re: First run JBLP Goldtop Aged (and signed)
I don't know where you are getting "import duties or fees". The guitar was made in the U.S., so there are no duties charged when something made in the U.S. comes back into the U.S.. I have shipped and received several guitars over seas and I am 100% sure in what I'm telling you.
Insured shipping through FedEx would probably run about $300 or so, but zero duties.
hey jbyrd1 I hope all is well. I went through this in grueling detail when I was going to purchase another JB gold top from over seas so I do know it is big bucks. Sure if you do not want to insure and not claim replacement value it could be cheaper but for me not worth the risk. To many bad stories
cheers Ron
"Some people dream of worthy accomplishments while others stay awake and do them"
Skinner #1,JBLP 145(aged),252, (unaged),#285HM, Bburst #026, Joes 052 BCC black LP, Strat> RT,EC Gilmour,Beck,Lenny LP> PK 83,CC#2,3,4,9,Amps>Carol Ann RAH JB-100 SN 001,JB100 Red SN02,OD2, OD3,Tucana 2&3 Triptix,Twinkle land, Plexi ,JB Jub, Jubs,Plexi,Satch,Two Rock>others