Topic: Tammara, mild mannered spokes person, or, EVIL genious?
After hearing about the deal with Best Buy, many of us thought of canceling our pre-orders and going to Best Buy. Tammara, the spokes person at the JB Store told us "innocently" that they could not get to the orders and we could just decline delivery. So we all went and ordered from Best Buy. My contention is that Tammara is the evil master mind behind the whole Bonamassa Empire. She knew none of us Bonaholics could turn down delivery. With trembling hands we rushed to open the package and had it playing in our stereos before we knew what we had done. All the time we have another copy with 3 extra songs on the way, which obviously we cannot turn down, because it has...3 extra songs.
Well played Madam. However, taking advantage of Bonaholics, when it comes to new Joe music, is like shooting fish in a barrel. Still I am impressed with your fiendishly, devious plan. You can come to work for me anytime.