Topic: Way Huge Pork Loin internal knob settings?

So I just got a Pork Loin from Way Huge (AWESOME pedal), and I know Joe uses one as well. I was able to find his settings, but I also know he had George Tripps mess with the internal knobs to his liking, and I was wondering if anybody knew what the settings for those three knobs were, or how to manipulate them to get a Bonamassa-like tone (I'm using a '59 reissue and a TSL so hopefully I can get pretty close).

Also, I found his DSL settings that he uses for the tube screamer, but does he use the same ones when he uses the pork loin (i dont have a tube screamer).

Re: Way Huge Pork Loin internal knob settings?

I think only Mr. Tripps knows how the internal knobs are set . I would be interested in knowing the TS , Pork Loin and Amp settings you found , would save me a lot of searching . Thanks