19 (edited by sally12333 2013-12-09 23:39:07)

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

Obviously they have Van Gogh's ear for music....

"To repeat a good thing is to sit still; to take a chance is to grow." - Joe Bonamassa
I need some Joe...NOW.
Joe = Joy

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

I don't want to disrespect, but who cares? Just enjoy the tunes, and to heck with anyone else. Joe rocks!

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

My ReverbNation page for Dees & Friends - check us out!

21 (edited by Rocket 2013-12-10 05:46:09)

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

Deezer wrote:

I don't want to disrespect, but who cares? Just enjoy the tunes, and to heck with anyone else. Joe rocks!

Good to hear from you Deezer big_smile, all must be (hopefully) well, as you once again post my sentiments exactly. wink

Indeed no disrespect, thanks for bringing it up Kingrhino.  You'll get used to those kind real fast.  Somehow they go against all those other big name revered guitar/blues/blues rock people who praise and add laud to Joe all the time, so no need to be overly concerned with hypocrisies. 

And hey, quite a few 20 something hipster "doofusses" are really into Joe, actually, by the way. big_smile  No, not  me roll, I'm past my 20's.  A doofuss can be endearing.  Dorks can be forgiven.  These types are best ignored, which of course is difficult for those who wish to educate rather than insinuate...remember the horse and leading to water but not getting it to drink syndrome.  And a stubborn mule...well forget even trying to lead to water if they're kicking and squeaming.

Rock ON & Give 'em another ho-hum reply & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

to me this is rather easy to explain.....or i think it is.....lol

joe came up as a blues guy.....historically, blues artists dont have major success, have strong but meager followings and they just seem more obscure.

through talent, hard work and a great business model, Joe has found larger and larger success........look around, and for a guy that doesnt have hits on the radio, he's really sort of everywhere......dvd's, on tour all the time, jams with famous people alot, has a great following in USA and a super nice following in Europe, gets magazine covers, has a super active website and message board.

he's an artist with a "bullet".........so for some, it may be a bit of a backlash against him because Joe's fans love him so much that we are pushing his name out there all the time in conjunction with his rising popularity....so when folks hear all the hooplah they check him out and i think naturally sort of root against him because they werent part of the group that "discovered" him.  i've seen that happen to other artists as well.

and here is something else I have noticed.....alot of folks that become famous because they are "guitar gods" have lots of fans that are also players.....in fact, if you take guys like Vai, Satriani and other well known guitar folks, their audiences are overwhelmingly musicians as well.......however, Joe has found a way to tap into a market of fans that appear to not be musicians.....obviously,  he has tons of fans that play, but he has many that do not play.....but what I have noticed from time to time is that some of Joe's fans (that appear to not be players and not overly educated on guitar history), have a tendency to throw out accolades on Joe such as "he's the greatest of all time", "he blows aware eric clapton", "eddie van who",  "SRV wishes he could play like Joe".....etc.....etc....etc..... and I think it turns off some folks......

I consider myself to be pretty up on guitar rock history and while I think Joe is incredible and his body of work will likely land in the greatest of all time discussion if things continue........I find myself cringing a bit at times when I hear those super "over the top" things said.......and i freaking LOVE joe.  so i think I can understand when someone who just sort of has heard of him or is interested in checking him out stumbles into that kind of stuff could be turned off a hair.......when that happens to be one of the first things they encounter when being introduced to joe.

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?


Couldn't agree more.

I am sure most people use these phrases out of admiration, but they can be cringeworthy.


There are certain criteria that can be rationally debated when discussing who is the greatest guitar player.  Originality, Influence, Creativity and Technical skill are all quantifiable to some degree.  (These are the headlines we use on our DDD list and we have been building the list for around 10 years now and with thousands of contributors)

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

masque wrote:

to me this is rather easy to explain.....or i think it is.....lol

joe came up as a blues guy.....historically, blues artists dont have major success, have strong but meager followings and they just seem more obscure.

through talent, hard work and a great business model, Joe has found larger and larger success........look around, and for a guy that doesnt have hits on the radio, he's really sort of everywhere......dvd's, on tour all the time, jams with famous people alot, has a great following in USA and a super nice following in Europe, gets magazine covers, has a super active website and message board.

he's an artist with a "bullet".........so for some, it may be a bit of a backlash against him because Joe's fans love him so much that we are pushing his name out there all the time in conjunction with his rising popularity....so when folks hear all the hooplah they check him out and i think naturally sort of root against him because they werent part of the group that "discovered" him.  i've seen that happen to other artists as well.

and here is something else I have noticed.....alot of folks that become famous because they are "guitar gods" have lots of fans that are also players.....in fact, if you take guys like Vai, Satriani and other well known guitar folks, their audiences are overwhelmingly musicians as well.......however, Joe has found a way to tap into a market of fans that appear to not be musicians.....obviously,  he has tons of fans that play, but he has many that do not play.....but what I have noticed from time to time is that some of Joe's fans (that appear to not be players and not overly educated on guitar history), have a tendency to throw out accolades on Joe such as "he's the greatest of all time", "he blows aware eric clapton", "eddie van who",  "SRV wishes he could play like Joe".....etc.....etc....etc..... and I think it turns off some folks......

I consider myself to be pretty up on guitar rock history and while I think Joe is incredible and his body of work will likely land in the greatest of all time discussion if things continue........I find myself cringing a bit at times when I hear those super "over the top" things said.......and i freaking LOVE joe.  so i think I can understand when someone who just sort of has heard of him or is interested in checking him out stumbles into that kind of stuff could be turned off a hair.......when that happens to be one of the first things they encounter when being introduced to joe.

I agree with you.  I am guilty of being over the top about Joe but don't think I have ever said he is better than so and so....  I just say he is the best period.     I think having such a following does bring haters too.  Just my humble opinion.

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

I'll push Joe Bonamassa over the top anyday, and leave to others with not much soul and a whole lot of the other to throw him under the bus.

The truth is, detractors grow by scores via word of mouth.  Joe's audience grew and continues to grow by word of mouth.  I am not one to worry.  If you could read the first few posts of the forum, waaaaaaaaaaaay back, that I made, you see it has always been thus that I believe 1) I don't worry, I have Faith; and 2) I feel he is the best, and you can qualify that as best at what he does, and, best at what no one else does.

For me, these types of discussions always become a waste of time (not that starting one is).  It can become very simple when things (usually) end up in a free-for-all descent and degradation into stupendous stupidity on either side. You are either with him, or against him.  This forum is for Joe Bonamassa and those who are for him.  Those other places are for those who stand solidly against when they so choose to be.  Let them have their say, offer your views once or twice and then drop the conversation when you see the direction being charted by determined naysayers, once it gets acrimonious, redundant, or plain nasty.  One can over analyze and come up with some hypothesis of co-dependency here.  Fine. big_smile. Now let's talk why we like and let the ladies and gents go "over the top." Joe Bonamassa is the most understated over the top, best.  And he is nowhere near contrived.  He is always just himself, and fantasy and fact blend best together within him.  I like that.  I like that a whole lot.

Rock ON & Keep the "Now Watergate Does Not Bother Me, Does Your Conscience Bother You?" Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

Rocket wrote:
Deezer wrote:

I don't want to disrespect, but who cares? Just enjoy the tunes, and to heck with anyone else. Joe rocks!

Good to hear from you Deezer big_smile, all must be (hopefully) well, as you once again post my sentiments exactly. wink

Indeed no disrespect, thanks for bringing it up Kingrhino.  You'll get used to those kind real fast.  Somehow they go against all those other big name revered guitar/blues/blues rock people who praise and add laud to Joe all the time, so no need to be overly concerned with hypocrisies. 

And hey, quite a few 20 something hipster "doofusses" are really into Joe, actually, by the way. big_smile  No, not  me roll, I'm past my 20's.  A doofuss can be endearing.  Dorks can be forgiven.  These types are best ignored, which of course is difficult for those who wish to educate rather than insinuate...remember the horse and leading to water but not getting it to drink syndrome.  And a stubborn mule...well forget even trying to lead to water if they're kicking and squeaming.

Rock ON & Give 'em another ho-hum reply & Keep the Faith,

Yes sir Rocket, all is well. Happy wife, happy life, a good job, and a reliable group to play music with. I am golden. smile

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

My ReverbNation page for Dees & Friends - check us out!

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

No soul, plays too fast/too many notes etc.
All demonstrated here:

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

Ya know, I've found that it can be very discouraging listening to people's opinions on music. Particularly on the internet, so many people are very indignant, and feel like they have this unique take that somehow makes them superior because they put down others.

Best to just not listen to it at all. If you like certain music, great - if you don't, don't listen to it and leave it alone. The only people who can truly tell you whether or not they're playing with "soul" are the artists themselves, everyone else hears it their own way.

I don't really get into the uber-technical shred guitar playing (like a Malmsteen or Satriani), but it just doesn't speak to me - if another guitarist really feels it and it means something to them, who am I to say whether or not they have soul? My $.02

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

i for sure agree with the last few posts……i try to stay away from sites that involve arguments all the time etc…..or like what was mentioned above, that people think they are superior to others……..NO ONE can decide my tastes for me….I like what I like…….and in the end, it doesnt matter to me much if someone else does or not.

a few of my favorite bands of all time are King's X and Jellyfish…….tons of people don't even know who they are……but then on the other hand I wouldn't walk across the street to see Bruce Springsteen and REM for free…..but millions of people love those guys…….music is so freaking subjective……..and I agree it's pointless to argue but a good spirited fair debate can be fun……but it rarely happens on the internet.

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

Rockfarmer wrote:

Must have been on TGP.  Those guys are jealeous of Joe's sucess and berate him at every opportunity

Actually from what I've read lately, TGP (it's members) has come around for the most part. Pretty supportive comments on the recent Dumble threads and stuff.

I for one and sick of the "no soul" remark made towards EVERY guitarist who is proficient on their instrument.

Re: Joe B: No Soul & Wankery?

I understand that different people have different tastes in movies, books, music, etc. however some of the comments that people make are just hilarious.  Joe is too perfect?  He is to fast? Wow!  How do you even respond to that.  I have been aware of Phish for years.  I have gone out of my way to try "to get" that band.  I have forced myself to listen to them.  Just not for me.  Of the thousand and thousands of songs on my ipod, 1 is a Phish song.   Trey Anistansio is a professional musician.  He is very good.  He is not even close to many accomplished guitarists.  The list is quite long.  The straw that broke the camel's back, for me, was when I learned that Phish was doing a complete set covering Steve Miller songs.  It is difficult for me to even type that guy's name.  There is nothing more repugnant to me that the recording of SM.  Again, this is personal preference, or in this case, loathing.  There was a point to this, but, I've had a couple drinks and can't remember what it was, other than, I don't care for Phish, I despise SM, and I love the music of Joe Bonamassa.

The only thing we deserve, is an opportunity.  Everything else has to be earned.