I'm actually kind of digging it. Not something I'd listen to every day, but the production is great and it has a good vibe overall. I hate to say it, but it's nice background music... I could have it on at work, or while I'm doing other stuff at home. Good enough to be worth listening to, but not so compelling or edgy you get lost in it. I honestly don't mean that as a bad thing. Some of the tunes I like a lot.
I could do without the "All of Me" cover, though. I'm so used to hearing ripping gypsy-jazz versions of that tune... doing a "laid back" version just doesn't seem right. It's such a ubiquitous standard you'd better play the c**p out of it, or go home. I couple of the other covers we odd choices, too, but overall it seems like a decent album. Didn't blow me away, but I liked it more than I thought I would.