Topic: Slide Player Joe talked about

I'm trying to remember a slide player Joe talked about (I think it was on the old forum). I can't rememebr the guys name only that Joe said he was "make you want to quit good". Does anyone remember who that was? Tried to search on this forum but didn't come up with anything...

Re: Slide Player Joe talked about

I could be wrong, but I think he was talking about Derek Trucks- either him or Eric Sardinas...

Hope this helps


"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things." - Woody Allen

Re: Slide Player Joe talked about

Thanks for your help. I even went to his website but am drawing a big blank as to who he was, he wasn't a big "name" player, yet. You know when Joe says "make you want to quit good" that is one heck of an endorsement...

Re: Slide Player Joe talked about

His name was Kevin Briet from Canada.  I saw him on BET Jazz and was floored... I stopped playing slide for awhile after seeing this.. Derek is that way too and so is Sonn Landreth and Ry Cooder. I almost forgot..  David Lindley and Rusty Young.
Joe Bonamassa

Re: Slide Player Joe talked about

Kevin is an awesome player who gave up a gig in Norah Jones band to be a family man and not tour too much....

He is presently experimenting with world and Brazilian music...

You Can Do Anything You Want To Do

Re: Slide Player Joe talked about

Thanks everyone!! I've been listening to Sonny Landreth all day which made me think "What was that one guys name?". I will check him out, I'm learning how to play slide so I need all the inspiration I can get as right now my slide playing sounds like a cat with it's tail caught in a screen door... I'm thinking about patenting the technique... lol

Re: Slide Player Joe talked about

Check out Dave Hole as well.