Topic: RIP Stevie

22 years ago today
August 27, 1990
THe music lives on

Re: RIP Stevie

A day that always makes me sad. Love ya Stevie.

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

My ReverbNation page for Dees & Friends - check us out!

Re: RIP Stevie

Such a tragedy. It was a two night stand and my family and I attended the first night's show. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news over the radio. Alpine Valley was never the same... for me anyway.


Re: RIP Stevie

I was at the first of the two shows, as well.  Among my top 5 concert memories, if not #1.  What a lineup, including Jeff Healey coming out and tearing it up.  Still remember it fondly.  But not the news after the second show.

Always spin more than a little SRV on this date.

Play like you've worked at it, and don't worry about sounding like your influences.  You can't cheat on them, or your practice, anyway.  If you've worked hard at your skill, your audience will know it.

Re: RIP Stevie

RIP Stevie!
Here is a clip of Stevie play Life without you in Montreax 1985.
Probably my favourite guitar solo of all time!

Re: RIP Stevie

The real "day the music died"

Jimmie coming to the Coach House in a month, and the last time I saw SRV was with the Thunderbirds 6 months or so before that sad day.