1 (edited by Curby 2012-08-10 07:38:29)

Topic: Jace Everett

Well...I got my mojo back and am listening to music again.  Props go out to Mike Craggs and Eva (Blues Sissi) for sending me a ton of music that I finally got around to really listening to.  Their stuff jump-started a weary Curby.  Things have improved a great deal since those sad posts ( sorry, but I deleted them) sent a couple months ago.  Might get even better in a couple weeks - I got my fingers crossed!  Went to my wife's heart doctor this week and tests revealed the leaks are under control and she doesn't have to go back for a year.  Alright, enough of that.

Jace Everett - Some of you may have heard of this guy as his song "Bad Things" is the theme song for HBO's True Blood series.  I don't have HBO and don't care for anything about vampires, but when I stumbled across this guy jamming with C.C. Adcock I checked him out.  "Bad Things" is a pretty cool song, very rockabilly, sexy and nice guitar.  Jace was also one of three writers for the  song "Your Man" recorded by Josh Turner.  They say that song raised the pregnancy rate the year it was released.  Everett recorded it live in his living room with two acoustic guitars and the unplugged sound is both intimate and more listenable.  Probably won't be many here interested, but this guy's a bluesman at heart and quite talented.

http://youtu.be/MDY42pFwq7c  "Bad Things" Official Video
http://youtu.be/pYBmwYiSqTk    With C.C. Adcock, "Evil" (Willie Dixon)

Re: Jace Everett

Good to see you back in a better place Curby. He's a bit more country than I can go for, but a good voice and player.

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3 (edited by BansheeUK 2012-08-10 05:25:34)

Re: Jace Everett

Great having you back Curby, and even better news about Mitzi. One side of the Atlantic or the other, me and your good lady have a dance date.....

I'll check the recommendations later.


edit: - Just to push one back at ya, a friend from another board passed on this recommendation, which I'm passing on to you - singer/songwriter from Sunderland (UK) - Paul Liddell. Nice voice and awesome acoustic technique. he averages about 20 gigs a month, hence recent album title Milestone & Motorways. I believe he has been over to America, mainly California, so watch out for him in those parts.


When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...

Re: Jace Everett

Curby wrote:

Well...I got my mojo back and am listening to music again.  Props go out to Mike Craggs and Eva (Blues Sissi) for sending me a ton of music that I finally got around to really listening to.  Their stuff jump-started a weary Curby.  Things have improved a great deal since those sad posts ( sorry, but I deleted them) sent a couple months ago.  Might get even better in a couple weeks - I got my fingers crossed!  Went to my wife's heart doctor this week and tests revealed the leaks are under control and she doesn't have to go back for a year.  Alright, enough of that.

Jace Everett - Some of you may have heard of this guy as his song "Bad Things" is the theme song for HBO's True Blood series.  I don't have HBO and don't care for anything about vampires, but when I stumbled across this guy jamming with C.C. Adcock I checked him out.  "Bad Things" is a pretty cool song, very rockabilly, sexy and nice guitar.  Jace was also one of three writers for the  song "Your Man" recorded by Josh Turner.  They say that song raised the pregnancy rate the year it was released.  Everett recorded it live in his living room with two acoustic guitars and the unplugged sound is both intimate and more listenable.  Probably won't be many here interested, but this guy's a bluesman at heart and quite talented.

http://youtu.be/MDY42pFwq7c  "Bad Things" Official Video
http://youtu.be/pYBmwYiSqTk    With C.C. Adcock, "Evil" (Willie Dixon)

Alright.  I pulled the country tune and tagged the other two videos.  I hope some of you give him a listen as he's a rising star.

Re: Jace Everett

Great news Curby!Soi glad to hear good news.Look forward to you being back and turning us on to some good music!

Your rock candy baby
Your hard sweet and sticky

6 (edited by BansheeUK 2012-08-10 08:52:24)

Re: Jace Everett

BansheeUK wrote:

Great having you back Curby, and even better news about Mitzi. One side of the Atlantic or the other, me and your good lady have a dance date.....

I'll check the recommendations later.


edit: - Just to push one back at ya, a friend from another board passed on this recommendation, which I'm passing on to you - singer/songwriter from Sunderland (UK) - Paul Liddell. Nice voice and awesome acoustic technique. he averages about 20 gigs a month, hence recent album title Milestone & Motorways. I believe he has been over to America, mainly California, so watch out for him in those parts.


Some nice twangy Americana there - Jace that is: think I'm gonna have to do some poking round on Amazon at the week-end. According to bio info - he's originally from somewhere called Evansville IN.........

When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...