Topic: RIP Bob Babbitt

A double shot of sad news today, Motown "Funk Brother" bassist Bob Babbitt passed today from complications of brain cancer. Bob was a session player on many of Motowns great hits and most recently performed on Phil Collins tribute to Motown. With the recent passing of Donald "Duck" Dunn and now Bob B., heavens bottom section has gotten about as funky as a "bow-legged monkey". The Tears Of A Clown are falling in Motown today.

                                                                                                       RIP Funk Brother,

                                                                                                       J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: RIP Bob Babbitt

Very sad news.  As a former student of Allan "Dr. Licks" Slutsky who did the documentary, Standing In The Shadow Of Motown about The Funk Brothers I got hear some really great stories about the surviving members while he was making the documentary and then touring.  Bob was always quiet and unassuming but could play the bass like it was nobodies business.  What was really remarkable is how Barry Gordy was able to find such great musicians like James Jamerson and Bob Babbitt.

Rest in peace Bob and thank you for some really great music that will stand the test of time.

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Re: RIP Bob Babbitt

an amazing list of what he has played on: … raphy.html

there sure is one hell of a jam going on up there right now.

My YouTube channel with plenty of my Joe's videos dating from 2009 inc his first Hammersmith Odeon ones:

Re: RIP Bob Babbitt

Ian916 wrote:

an amazing list of what he has played on: … raphy.html

there sure is one hell of a jam going on up there right now.

Nice find Ian. There were just too many to try to list. He finally got his just recognition in the Music Doc, Standing In The Shadows Of Motown.

                                                                                                       From The Bottoms,

                                                                                                       J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: RIP Bob Babbitt

Man...this one hits me hard.....RIP Bob....was indeed one of the best ever.

Re: RIP Bob Babbitt

Bob Babbitt was one of the first musicians I ever interviewed, and he was as nice a guy as he was a brilliant bassist. A kind, caring, and giving soul. One of the truly greats smile

Re: RIP Bob Babbitt

Last one of my big "Soul 3" is David Hood.  Y'all know who he is?

Funky D knows

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: RIP Bob Babbitt

bigjeffjones wrote:

Last one of my big "Soul 3" is David Hood.  Y'all know who he is?

Funky D knows

Muscle Shoals has got the swampers
They've been known to pick a song or two.

                                                                                                Sweet Home,

                                                                                                J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint