Topic: Want to feel old?
If the guy on the radio this morning was correct, today is the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones' first gig.
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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Want to feel old?
If the guy on the radio this morning was correct, today is the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones' first gig.
If the guy on the radio this morning was correct, today is the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones' first gig.
BBC interview with Keef & Mick >
When asked, how keith would describe the Rolling Stones .... two words, "fascinating and raunchy"
Trivia: I was lucky enough to work once, as security at an Earl's Court gig in the 80's - loved it!
I hear ya' Stu. What's hit me recently is the passing of some of the actors from TV shows I use to watch...Andy, Ernest, just yesterday I read Lucy's neighbor from I Love Lucy died along with one of the sons from My Three Sons.
Back to the Stones, we've been listening to alot of Stones recently and its probably because of what your statement says...the radio has been playing them alot...we've been in the car alot recently since a family member is up from Florida living about an hour from us..I always say the Beatles and Led Zeppelin are my favorite bands of all time, BUT you have to credit the RS for their survival and longevity through thick and thin...GREAT band...I still favor Let It Bleed for sentimental reasons, but some of the real early Stones is STILL fantastic and there is still a ton of the catalog that is fantastic, and of course, can't leave out Beggers Banquet, Sticky Fingers, Exile, etc. etc.!
So to answer your question...YES!!! … tones.html
I remember Stevie Wonder opening for them in 1972. And Prince (believe it or not) in 1981...that one didn't go so well.
See the recent Rolling Stone Reader's poll, for more info. (It's a decent article, whether you are a fan of the rag, or not.) … y-20120711
Saw my first Stones show at Soldier Field in 1978. Had my right leg in a full cast, and was on crutches, at the time. (Was broken when I played college soccer--football, just about everywhere else, I know.)
Mick and I are just a few months apart. I see him still going like hell so I'll just try and keep up. (besides, I took a lot better care of myself... but then again he had all those hot women. )
Mick is currently an exercise freak, but I don't know how long he's been at it. Funny about the hot women...
True story - there was a 92 year old gentleman at the office today as a patient. The young lady that brought him back to the treatment room asked him what his secret was to aging. He said his wife was a great $ex partner. You had to be there, BUT no way was the employee expecting that kind of answer...she didn't know what to say and turned beet red!!
Mick and I are just a few months apart. I see him still going like hell so I'll just try and keep up. (besides, I took a lot better care of myself... but then again he had all those hot women.
LOL, Angela. I think it's a modified version of another saying, but I've heard it as...
May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live. … 2live.html
Mick is currently an exercise freak, but I don't know how long he's been at it. Funny about the hot women...True story - there was a 92 year old gentleman at the office today as a patient. The young lady that brought him back to the treatment room asked him what his secret was to aging. He said his wife was a great $ex partner. You had to be there, BUT no way was the employee expecting that kind of answer...she didn't know what to say and turned beet red!!
RickB wrote:Mick and I are just a few months apart. I see him still going like hell so I'll just try and keep up. (besides, I took a lot better care of myself... but then again he had all those hot women.
That made my week Angela.
Speaking of the Stones longevity, I have a pic of Keith on my FB wall with the quote, " I outlived Donna Summer, Michael Jackson, & Whitney ya didn't see that one comin'!" Lol! Keep on rockin' Keef!
Stones @ 50!!!
J Dawg
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Want to feel old?
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