Topic: John Emil
Caught this guy at the week-end opeing for Jay Tamkin at Redcar. Quality acoustic musician from Florida currently doing a couple of weeks in the UK and Europe.
Mix roosty blues with some country, bluegrass and folk and maybe a hint of Hawaiian (if the wind is in the right heart). Excellent technique and sound on both dobro and acoustic lap guitar. Worth catching if he's in your area.
Dates I have are:-
May 22, 2012 Tuesday 12:00 AM Malt Cross Nottingham, GB
May 23, 2012 Wednesday 12:00 AM Filthy Mcnastys London, GB
May 24, 2012 Thursday 8:30 PM Cafe Portico Lincoln, GB
May 25, 2012 Friday 8:15 PM Keighley Blues Club Keighley, GB
May 27, 2012 Sunday 5:00 PM Cafe De Harmonie Edam, NL
May 29, 2012 Tuesday 12:00 AM Cultuurhuis Heerlen, NL
May 30, 2012 Wednesday 12:00 AM Cafe Boulevard Den Bosch, NL
May 31, 2012 Thursday 12:00 AM De Bunker Gemert, NL
Jun 1, 2012 Friday 12:00 AM Le Parc Luik, BE
Jun 2, 2012 Saturday 12:00 AM Zoetermeer Blues Festival ., NL
Jun 2, 2012 Saturday 9:30 PM Het Keizershof Turnhout, BE
Jun 3, 2012 Sunday 3:30 PM De Wijnhaven Delft, NL
Jun 6, 2012 Wednesday 12:00 AM Roots in 't Groen Geldrop, NL
Jun 9, 2012 Saturday 12:00 AM Café Averechts Utrecht, NL
Sorry for the short notice.
Give back the lemons. Why were the lemons free? What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...