Topic: Bee Gees Robin Gibb … kAgYbQtDMD

Kind of surprised nobody posted this yet.  Robin had the voice of an angle and even if Disco Sucks The Saturday Night Fever Album didn't!  We'll miss you Robin, RIP

Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

I thought he was getting better.  This news makes me sad.

Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

Even though he's gone and it feels like we lost him, he's better off.  The pain is gone now and I'm guessing he's in that big singing group in the sky now.

Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

...shame he lost the battle with the dreaded 'C' ....but what comes next is better! ...i'm sure of that now!

Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.
R. Buckminster Fuller

Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

Break out the disco ball and leisure suits. RIP Robin. I did a lot of dancing to his tunes.

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Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

A very sad loss for the music industry.

"Everyone should be aware that the Bee Gees are second only to Lennon and McCartney as the most successful songwriting unit in British popular music," said Gambaccini - UK broadcaster.

While we're here - a shout for Donna Summer who died last week - 63

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Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

RIP after a very longb fight that I thought he had won, to an extent. Not my type of music but a great talent non the less.

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

If ever a band polarised opinions, it was The BeeGees; however, their contribution to popular music can't be ignored nor underestimated. Very sad news that Robin has lost his brave fight against terrible illness.

Similar thought also go out for Donna Summer who lost her private battle against cancer last week. Dance/Disco may not be the music of choice on this board, but surely her voice and talent helped define a genre and an era. With the power and range, mixed with gospel and r'n'b, she was one of the greats.


When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...

Re: Bee Gees Robin Gibb

I'll add my condolences. Went to see the Australian Bee Gees in Vegas 2 weeks ago. You forget how many hits they had and songs covered by other artists. I remember buying "I've gotta get a message to you" and "Massachussets".