Topic: Simon McBride 12 April in London

Hope you’ll forgive this shameless plug for Simon McBride. I’m helping push his show in London on 12th April at the Borderline. If you haven’t been there it’s a very cool, intimate venue on the edge of Soho, a few minutes walk from Tottenham Court Road tube. And if you haven't seen Simon you're in for a treat. Here’s a taster of the band -

If you’re quick you can get 50% off the ticket price by signing up to Simon’s email list. Just go to his web site. After you have signed up you will receive an email telling you how to get the discount tickets. You have to do it before April 1st.

Re: Simon McBride 12 April in London

...hey Gosh' i've been trying to get this link to work and i cant... is it the link or the Twit this end? the way...great vid' you linked to there! wink

Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.
R. Buckminster Fuller

3 (edited by Pete The Cabby 2012-04-10 02:48:43)

Re: Simon McBride 12 April in London

...anyone on here coming along to see Simon at the Borderline this Thursday!? ...if you have not seen this young man,23 years old yesterday( rolls eyes ) your missing something,seriously!

...the glass's of iced tap water are on me! wink

Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.
R. Buckminster Fuller

Re: Simon McBride 12 April in London

GosherEars wrote:

Hope you’ll forgive this shameless plug for Simon McBride. I’m helping push his show in London on 12th April at the Borderline. If you haven’t been there it’s a very cool, intimate venue on the edge of Soho, a few minutes walk from Tottenham Court Road tube. And if you haven't seen Simon you're in for a treat. Here’s a taster of the band -

If you’re quick you can get 50% off the ticket price by signing up to Simon’s email list. Just go to his web site. After you have signed up you will receive an email telling you how to get the discount tickets. You have to do it before April 1st.

Oh how I wish Gosher Ears!!  Just two weeks ago the Borderline was down the street from my B&B in London and Simon was someone I badly wanted to see in concert  ... next time then! hmm


I know a place ....

Re: Simon McBride 12 April in London

...just a bump! ....hope some of you can pop along!?

Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.
R. Buckminster Fuller