Topic: Uriah Heep - Newcastle Academy 12/12/11
Hope folks don't mind a mention of a bit "classic rock", but since I brought them up in the VATA thread, seems only fair. If folk can talk about Adele, I'm sure Uriah Heep will be welcome.
Last time I saw Heep, I don't think any of VATA were even a twinkle in their father's eye. It's not that they don't tour - they've been on the road this year since February and finished for 2011 yesterday; it's just we haven't been able to coordinate. This time though, the timing was right, and VATA supporting was an added bonus. Already said, Virgil and the lads gave a really solid, polished performance; because the reduced set meant Virgil was limited in what he could do, Working Man had a little extra bite while Bad Girl and Backstabber really punched. He kept the Stevie Ray Vaughan tight and soared through Silver Giver. Fans of Classic Rock bands can be as partisan as they are passionate, but VATA got a very good reception from the corwd and a generous endorsment from Mr Mick Box.
Now then, what can you say about Uriah Heep? I suppose they're a bit of a "marmite" band - you either like, or you don't. Thing about them though, just when you think they're on the ropes, they come back and sucker punch you. At the moment, they're riding high on the Into The Wild album which is a distillate of all the best you'd expect from Heep.
Most of the set, as you'd expect was culled from the 70s back catalogue and once you list tracks like Gypsy, July Morning, Look At Yourself, Stealin', Bird Of Prey (is it me or did The Darkness build their early career off this song?). My God though, they sounded good and the new tracks mixed in seemlessly. Bernie Shaw is a model of charismatic frontman and a criminally overlooked "rock" vocalist. Mick Box was certainly enjoying himself, taking the mid-section from Magician's Birthday for his solo piece and plenty of hand-waving on the sustains. Rainbow Demon and The Wizard were thrown in as crowd pleasers and the finale sing-a-long that is Lady In Black. Encore time was the double-barrel blast of Free & Easy and Easy Livin' - members of the audience invited up on stage to join in some old-fashioned headbangin' and a masterclass in riffing.
40 years plus down the line, Uriah Heep can still rock the house and make it look so easy; who cares if the songs are older than the support group, a classic is still a classic and when it's played as tight as this you wouldn't want to miss it.
Rock On!!!
Give back the lemons. Why were the lemons free? What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...