Stick around. I think you just wandered in at an inopportune time whereby most everyone was on edge due to a rash of silliness that had been before your question ( ) and thought you were asking a question with an obvious answer! Consider: You are seeing him up there on stage sweating in front of your eyes, and asking if he does! Yes, the inclusion of the words "that much" and "normally" certainly would've been helpful and probably not brought the perceived abuse upon you. By having said you saw him for the second time, the first being in Jax a year earlier, an inference I drew was that he did NOT sweat profusely at that show, and thus you were truly wondering. I think a bunch of people missed that and felt it silly. So, a basic misunderstanding from writing and reading initially occurred. If you stay you will certainly be treated decently........unless you are like Brack! ...he said he can take it...
Rock ON & Keep the Fun Beside Faith,
"He still doesn't charge for mistakes!
""Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here. I mean, there are professionals in here.”