Topic: Alamo Leal's Blues Revue @ Guisborough, December

Just got my monthly newsletter through from Kath at Guisborough. As some may know, Guisborough's R'n'B club recently lost one of their founders, Ralph Wearing, but Kath and other committee members are keeping the club going in fine form.

Coming up, tomorrow there's The Nimmo Brothers; then in December, there are 3 gigs to make up for the absence of one in November. On the 10th, the Jon Amor Blues Group, on the 29th, Christmas special with Gypsy Bill & The Resonators, but it's the one on the 16th that's caught my eye; Alamo Leal's Blues Revue. Apart from being a Brazilian guitarist and vocalist, I know very little about him, so if anyone can fill in some detail. Looking at the backing band, its going to be interesting to say the least; Eddie Tatton (Out of The Blue) on guitar, Lindsay Coulson on bass and Alan Nimmo on drums. Yes, Alan on drums.

Lets hope for some kind weather in December.

When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...