1 (edited by mattvarmint 2011-08-12 05:30:08)

Topic: The Varmints in Conversation with Chantel McGregor - Tonight!

Evening all,

Sorry for the short notice but, tommorrow night (Friday 12th ... checking the clock that should now read tonight), we are delighted to announce another fab feature - "The Varmints in Conversation with Chantel McGregor".

Recorded at the Hebden Bridge Blues Festival (& WHAT a weekend that was), the interview features Chantel in fine form chatting about food, music, dental surgery (paper knickers) and Lady Gaga.

Not only is Chantel one of our finest young musicians, she's also one of our funniest.

So, for some cracking music and left-field chat, go to www.10radio.org to listen between 22.00 - Midnight.

Any problems listening, just post here & we or one of the lovely Bonnabuddies will help you out.


(More info on other features from the Festival will be up soon on the newly ressurected Varmint Show web site - stay tuned and we'll let you know when there's more)