Topic: Jeff Beck Louisville, KY
I saw Jeff Beck in Louisville, Kentucky last night and I still haven't recovered. I have never heard anyone pull those kind of beautiful sounds out of a guitar. He came out rockin' and his show was intense all of the way through. His band was awesome, especially the drummer, Narada Michael Walden (probably butchered the spelling on that). Beck played gorgeous melodies, smoking blues riffs, fusion meltdowns, grinding rock, and some outer space riffs. I had never seen him live. He is an icon, a true guitar master. Anyone who gets the chance should go see him, and of course Joe if they get the chance. You can buy the CD's and watch their DVD's, but it is when you see them live that you see just how unbelievably talented they actually are. Live you feel the power of their volume, the energy of their dynamics, and the true art of their individual musicianship. I saw Joe in March in Cincinnati and Beck in April in Louisville. I have had a great spring season so far.
Tyler Bryant did a very good job opening the show also. It takes some courage to step out in a theater full of guitar players and musicians and play solo on acoustic. Good vocals and good picking! He also got to jam a few minutes with Jeff Beck which has to be a thrill.