Probably obvious by my first post that this was a timely question for me. I have slept with royalty and I have slept with bums. Lived in mansions and been I am not kidding. Having money is better than not, but serenity can be had without it.
"Give not one thought to the morrow, for sufficient unto this day is the evil thereof."
I have a very mercenary side and it's like my evil twin or something. No that's not really what I mean, um...I like having money for a very good tool. It's useless as a work of art. and I KNOW (by all the powers of good) that it won't do everything, so I won't do just anything for $$$$$.
"To thine own self be true."
Here's the sad thing. Too damn many people want money cause the have the big FEAR: "What will people think?" EW! Here's the deal Life is not a struggle. Too many people (including some clergy I know) preach that it is as if it was the WHOLE truth. Bull! Life is a precious gift, even wracked with pain & frustration, it is a gift. Life finds a way.
Money can't buy out of hell, primo, nor into heaven. It's one of those natural consequence kinda things. I finally admitted yesterday, after 15 agonizing months, that I could not support my family's lifestyle anymore. Physically can't hustle like I used to. Mentally can't stand the manuevering or stress; high BP after being dead and coming back.
So I sold equipment yesterday and maybe one of my vending businesses today. (yeah I'm surprised...quick) and was told very late last night that an author I know well wants to write my life story and publish some of my written songs...SAY WHAT? He also stated quite profanely that I should be promoting shows so it could be done right in this town.
NOW THERE"S AN IDEA! anyway, after much breakfast, there will be
Rock On & Keep the FAITH
It is
Blues From the Bottoms