whoever reads this, read the whole thing so you can see i am not just trying to be a prick or stir things up here.
say what you want friend, my opinion remains the same. if you have ever been to a show where the music was louder than the people next to you you may have some context. believe me i am not just trying to be a pessimist here. i have seen bands i dont like half as much as i like joe live and enjoyed the shows more. As i said before he wasnt at fault.
i think i may have been a little out of line with the age thing, but i want to make sure people think im not just some young punk. i am just saying, think of all joes influneces and who would have been his peers. when you think of clapton, hendrix, srv, bb king, led zep, cream, zz top, etc, any of them playing concerts in their prime, do you think a ballroom full of middle aged married couples? so that is what i am saying there. the venue was more of the problem.
as to the venue, what i mean there is, and take it from me here i was staring at the stage, listening as best i could the entire time, the music wasnt up loud enough. i can only assume it was the venue, because quite literally every concert i have ever been to you have to raise your voice to be heard by someone. here you just had to tlak in a normal voice. it was like if it was turn just above normal in your living room. most concerts you have to yell to be heard by the person next to you.
the guy rocked. no one is disputing that. He was the most amazing guitarist i have ever seen live. he didnt slip. voice was a little weak but it seemed kind of like a mic problem to me but either way the voice wasnt what drew me to this guy. I could just be bitter because i missed songs i really wanted to hear by arriving when the show was supposed to start.
All in all it left me unsatisfied and I really think this guy is the best guitarist to come around since stevie ray vaughn and im not just going to throw that term around. What i am saying is i cant wait to see him again in a venue meant for music. This simply did not do him justice. I would have preferred he payed in a garage. and no offense to you old people i cant fault you for having good taste i hope to be doing exactly what you did around twenty years from now, but i would like to see a few more young faces there, for joes sake. I am not just trying to play devils advocate and stir things up here. If the guy plays an actualy concert venue within five hundred miles of where i am at the time i will make the drive. If he plays at the same place in bloomington, as much as i hate to say it i wont be going back.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=fCdNsm7gvu8If wine and pills were hundred dollar bills
I might keep you satisfied