1 (edited by jakey 2010-07-19 08:44:51)

Topic: Joe and the trees at the Gent Festival

So this weekend, we all trundled over to Gent just to see the great man.

Lovely day, AMAZING city and a lovely little boutique event in a walled area with the perfromance in big tents....

Tents- "We've done our fair share of tents" said Joe "but not many have had 5 trees in them before"

I took a little straw poll talking to the people outside- some diehards Bona-fans, loads of random jazz people who didn't really know him...but afterwards EVERYBODY knew who he was......at the end of the night it was a-buzz- Joe stole the show with a mini-set that rocked from start to finish- Just Got Paid was jaw dropping, Bogie rocked Belgium all on his own!

All good.

One small gripe (and I realise this is a fesitval thing) Joe's vox mike was so low in the mix you could hardly hear his singing.

I also managed to meet Joe, purely by chance, as we walked past his hotel and they were loading the van, and he was typically polite, interested and gracious, as was Carmine.

Great break and a lovely day.

"Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips...."

JB LP Goldtop No. 290- Aged...rather like me.

2 (edited by BluesMan 2010-07-19 09:10:35)

Re: Joe and the trees at the Gent Festival

Very nice report Jakey! smile Always nice to meet Joe on the street away from everything, he's quite a nice chap. cool


Joe is the Best!

3 (edited by jakey 2010-07-19 09:18:14)

Re: Joe and the trees at the Gent Festival

It was seriously hot and Joe's doing his best to put on a brave face....

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- … 1270_n.jpg

Just wanted to add- the preceding act to Joe, a Phillipino jazz act, were bloody sensational. The drummer was jaw dropping.

"Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips...."

JB LP Goldtop No. 290- Aged...rather like me.

Re: Joe and the trees at the Gent Festival

Hi Jakey, next time we’re attending the same concert we’ll see us.
Bibi and I tried our best to find you and we met some other Bona-fans but no Jakey. One of the diehard fans showed us his picture collection from the past 6 years, RAH included.

Great and relaxing atmosphere at the venue, wonderful weather, nice area to sit in the shade and talk. Brenda and I met some time during the „Soil & Pimp Sessions“. During the jazz sessions we held some distance to the big tent. The jazz fans had a great time but we agreed that jazz makes us kind of nervous.
The whole time we had an eye on the big tent and the front row area and just made it in time to the 3rd row left side. From there we had a great view to the right stage area and enjoyed Boogie’s warming up. And Boogie had the right temperature when the show started.

The set of Joe and the band was a short one – 1 hour 15 minutes according to the programme - but it was worth travelling to Gent. It was a great atmoshpere in the tent with the trees though I wouldn’t have noticed a single tree if not mentioned by Joe.

And here’s the setlist, though no warranty regarding the correct order:

John Henry
Last kiss
So many roads
So it’s like that
If heartaches were nickles
Blue and evil
Sloe gin
Mountain time
Young man blues  - first time I heard the song live – it blew me away
Just got paid

The time flew by and there was no encore  yikes  cause those jazzy people forgot to clap their hands together after the last song. Could be that they were overwhelmed.
Thas was different the next day in Bonn. We all wanted an encore and we got one. We made noises like hell. They had to come out again. Ha Ha. 

What about the band? They rocked. They were on fire and Gent was a great place to be.  lol
And after the show it was good to know that we would see them again the next day in Bonn.