Re: Bonamassa Gibson LP BonaBurst Registry serial # "JOE B XXX"
Congrats Pete! Yeah that was certainly very nice of Rick to do that for you, not knowing you other than here. Bonabuddies.
Very Cool! Enjoy!!!!!!
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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Joe's Guitars, Amps and Gear → Bonamassa Gibson LP BonaBurst Registry serial # "JOE B XXX"
Congrats Pete! Yeah that was certainly very nice of Rick to do that for you, not knowing you other than here. Bonabuddies.
Very Cool! Enjoy!!!!!!
...thanks Spider... the whole Bonn Experience was just wonderful... 3 sets of strings on Stan in a week butwill get used to soon... i think?
...thanks Spider... the whole Bonn Experience was just wonderful... 3 sets of strings on Stan in a week butwill get used to soon... i think?
3 sets? Are you shredding with that Lester? LOL!
IIRC Joe uses 11-52s. I've been using the Ernie Ball coated 11-54 set on my JB gold top and love them! Congrats on the JB burst! Rick B. is one rightious dude!
...thanks RICj`!... yeah!!...RickB is pure Bonacarbon through and through!!... i just hope Obama and Gore dont get to hear about it though... Rick will be handed some hefty discriminate taxation if they do!
... i did`nt like the strings Stan was fitted with straight off... put 10`s on when i got home and the B string broke next day!... not having the time to get to a guitar shop made use of a pack of Ernie 09`s for the time being... action is nearly there now!... the sticky wax coating that was all over the guitar i have buffed off and the neck is getting nice and silky on the back...grain is different as the strings feel like they are rolling instead of sliding when you bend if you know what i mean... just a matter of getting used to it i guess... strange thing i noticed when Stan was going through the x ray machine at the airport... i was watching the image as the guitar went through and saw what i can only describe like... 5 or 6 round discs in the body area where you would sit your right hand while playing... kinda looked like you had some coins in the case under the guitar... but of course there was`nt so these disc`s must have been in the body... anyone know what they are?
Aha! The magic JOEMOJO inserts.
Glad you're working Stan in Pete.
I wonder if they were there before Joe had his hands on him?
...just had a thought!... maybe Rick really works for the CIA and has got me to smuggle in two ounces of Polonium?
...funny thing happened tonight as i walked into Starbucks... i was approached by a man in a trilby,shades and holding a copy of The Moscow Tribune.... he said to me.. "the eagles are under the bed".. and i said what the f*ck are you on about?... he then said $20,000 for the Bonaburst so i bought him a skinny ginger muffin,sat him down and said the jacket men will be around in a minute!!
...just had a thought!... maybe Rick really works for the CIA and has got me to smuggle in two ounces of Polonium?
...funny thing happened tonight as i walked into Starbucks... i was approached by a man in a trilby,shades and holding a copy of The Moscow Tribune.... he said to me.. "the eagles are under the bed".. and i said what the f*ck are you on about?... he then said $20,000 for the Bonaburst so i bought him a skinny ginger muffin,sat him down and said the jacket men will be around in a minute!!
Are you glowing yet?
...LOL!.... no!... but a glass of of Aberfeldy instead of this Campo Viejo rubbish might be a good start!
Maybe you were seeing the weight relief holes??
...thanks RICj`!... yeah!!...RickB is pure Bonacarbon through and through!!... i just hope Obama and Gore dont get to hear about it though... Rick will be handed some hefty discriminate taxation if they do!
... i did`nt like the strings Stan was fitted with straight off... put 10`s on when i got home and the B string broke next day!... not having the time to get to a guitar shop made use of a pack of Ernie 09`s for the time being... action is nearly there now!... the sticky wax coating that was all over the guitar i have buffed off and the neck is getting nice and silky on the back...grain is different as the strings feel like they are rolling instead of sliding when you bend if you know what i mean... just a matter of getting used to it i guess... strange thing i noticed when Stan was going through the x ray machine at the airport... i was watching the image as the guitar went through and saw what i can only describe like... 5 or 6 round discs in the body area where you would sit your right hand while playing... kinda looked like you had some coins in the case under the guitar... but of course there was`nt so these disc`s must have been in the body... anyone know what they are? strange thing i noticed when Stan was going through the x ray machine at the airport... i was watching the image as the guitar went through and saw what i can only describe like... 5 or 6 round discs in the body area where you would sit your right hand while playing... kinda looked like you had some coins in the case under the guitar... but of course there was`nt so these disc`s must have been in the body... anyone know what they are?
Did it look like this? … ograph.jpg
from … 101-a.html
Bonaburst 019 is in hand in the UK. At some point in the future I will do another photo . Aged Goldtop, Un-aged Goldtop, Candy Apple Blue and Bonaburst.
...LOL!.... no!... but a glass of of Aberfeldy instead of this Campo Viejo rubbish might be a good start!
I'm an Ardbeg man myself. I fed some to Rick B. He seemed to enjoy it. But not as much as his daughter in law! LOL!
Pete The Cabby wrote:...LOL!.... no!... but a glass of of Aberfeldy instead of this Campo Viejo rubbish might be a good start!
I'm an Ardbeg man myself. I fed some to Rick B. He seemed to enjoy it. But not as much as his daughter in law! LOL!
..never been a whiskey man myself but after my recent tasting session while waiting for my Bonn flight i`m thinking about it!
...Ardbeg is on the list for my next flight out!... the Aberfeldy was lovely and i think Rick liked it which is the main thing!
RICjunkie wrote:Pete The Cabby wrote:...LOL!.... no!... but a glass of of Aberfeldy instead of this Campo Viejo rubbish might be a good start!
I'm an Ardbeg man myself. I fed some to Rick B. He seemed to enjoy it. But not as much as his daughter in law! LOL!
..never been a whiskey man myself but after my recent tasting session while waiting for my Bonn flight i`m thinking about it!
...Ardbeg is on the list for my next flight out!... the Aberfeldy was lovely and i think Rick liked it which is the main thing!
Quite far off topic, but I'm still liking it! Thanks.
And Tom, Anne is a convert!
[/quote=xcorporate]Maybe you were seeing the weight relief holes??
...thanks you guys!... yeah that oloks exactly like it!... never knew they done that.... good to learn something new each day!.... if i remember rightly Stan weighs in at about nine and a quarter,so noticeable when picked up... are all Les Pauls weight relieved?
Bonaburst 019 is in hand in the UK. At some point in the future I will do another photo . Aged Goldtop, Un-aged Goldtop, Candy Apple Blue and Bonaburst.
....hope you LOVE it as much as i do mine.... would be interested to know how you got it to the UK!
...edit:... just read your other posts! forget that!... glad you got it home safe!
[/quote=xcorporate]Maybe you were seeing the weight relief holes??
...thanks you guys!... yeah that oloks exactly like it!... never knew they done that.... good to learn something new each day!.... if i remember rightly Stan weighs in at about nine and a quarter,so noticeable when picked up... are all Les Pauls weight relieved?
Hi Pete, in the trade they call this weight relieving "Swiss Cheese Holes" done on most Les Pauls since the late eighties with the exception of the 58 and 59 re-issues, they were left solid.
Weight-relief started around 1982/1983. Every Gibson USA Les Paul between 1982 - 2007 is weight-relieved. They do not have solid-body construction. Weight-relief is also known as "swiss cheese holes" and refers to the nine holes drilled out of the body in order to reduce the weight of the guitar.
Chambering officially began for 2007 but the late 2006s are also chambered. Any Les Paul made after October 2006 maybe or likely is chambered. Every 2007 and newer Gibson USA Les Paul is chambered, except for the Les Paul Traditional. The Les Paul Traditional has swiss cheese holes. Chambering is essentially hollowing out the body. Again, this is in order to reduce the weight of the guitar.
From the 2007 Les Paul model the bodies are chambered to relieve the weight, unfortunately chambering also changes the way they sound, not to popular with Les Paul buffs.
Anyway back to Stan, when and where can I meet him? I seem to remember a date to go Django nuts with you and him was in the offing a few posts ago!
Wow. I never suspected that my JB Goldtop may be weight relieved! Mine goes 9 lbs. 3 oz. I heard that the Traditionals were still solid ( I have a '09 Traditional Pro - comes in at 9 lbs. 8 oz.) The Epi LP is the lightweight at 8 lbs. 8 oz. - but that sure does look like solid mahogany under the finish. I had one of the back covers off when swapping in Gibson pups and it looked like solid mahogany all the way thru.
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Joe's Guitars, Amps and Gear → Bonamassa Gibson LP BonaBurst Registry serial # "JOE B XXX"
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