Topic: Leonard Cohen Live in London

I was looking through the tv guide after Lost ended and a name caught my eye that I'd read somewhere recently. The listing said Leonard Cohen Live in London and I remembered where I'd seen that name recently, here on the forum and on my copy of Black Rock's case! I'd never heard Mr. Cohen's material before so I thought I'd give it a listen, and this is some seriously sexy music. Extremely classy stuff, Mr. Cohen's voice is just a joy to listen to! It's more easy listening music, no huge amount of guitar content, but I'm really diggin' it!
When I started watching they were playing Dance Me Till The End Of Love, which sounded really great with the 12 string in there...And a couple minutes ago after a more guitar-involved intro (I say this lightly, the playing is very minimal here, a less is more kind of thing) in his baritone voice Leonard sings "Like a bird...on a wire...". I thought it was pretty coincidental, but man are the two versions different! Both equally as enjoyable, just completely different styles. But anyway, this is cool stuff, so I'll be watching the rest of it!

Just thought I'd share!

"Music is the only thing that you can share with a million million people and you don't lose, you gain. It helps you to get energy and to live long, because when your soul is very happy then you don't want to die." - Ali Akbar Khan

Re: Leonard Cohen Live in London

Danny! wrote:

Leonard sings "Like a bird...on a wire...". I thought it was pretty coincidental, but man are the two versions different! Both equally as enjoyable, just completely different styles.

Another nice version you find on an older live CD called "Field Commander Cohen".

Rock On and Keep the Faith