Topic: Hayloft revisited
First time long time reader
Great show at The Hayloft in Mt. Clemens
Amazing opening with "Just got Payed and Dazed and Confused"
The fans that nite were awsome. Second time I've seen Joe.
I will be 55 next month and have seen some of the greatest guitar players EVER and Joe I must say is one of the best/versitle player EVER. I was brought up on three piece power trios all my life and was wondering who r some of the OLD groups Joe must have listen too. It was as if I was back in time. I disscused this with my friends /that's why It has taken me two weeks to post this. My conclusion was Tony T.S. McPhee and the Groundhogs. Wait and hear me out. Tony McPhee is a very respected guitar player in England. His playing on "Black Diamond" and "Crosscut Saw" is some of the most interesting guitar work ever. Tony played with all the great Blues players when they came to GB. His "Slide T.S. Slide" album is a solo accustic of the greats like Muddy//HWolf. The badest slide accustic u will ever hear. So how does this all fit with Joe? Joe's playing is so similar in structure with Tony Mc -how they play slow with a gradual build up as apposed to playing as fast as the speed of light/thats just noise. Thanks again Joe for the great music u make. Hope to see u in Cleveland. Merry Christmas to all...