Re: Oklahoma City March 26th
A lot has happened in the last 18 months to Joe’s career. It was evident last night just how much it has impacted his popularity. 18 months ago we had 750 at our city’s smallest theatre. Last night 1,500 at the Civic Center Music Hall. I would like to say it is because of all my hard work but I know I played a small role in last nights success because this is happening across the country right now.
This is the culmination of the work Joe has been doing for the last 20 years. To me it is just the beginning of where Joe will be in another 18 months. The things that I see that are different than all the other shows I have seen over the years is his ability to capture the audience in a room of that size. Sure I have seen him totally tear up a club and the small theatre but since the Royal Albert Hall showed his ability to capture a large room’s undivided attention I got to see him do it again at our towns Royal Albert Hall.
The set was not a lot different but the intensity level has stepped up since RAH. The set is more rocking but with the pace changes that he always puts into the sets with the culmination of JGP as the final song getting the crowd back on their feet and absolutely charged up as they exit the theatre. I happened to be in the lobby when the show let out and since I had many first timers finally make it out to the show I was bombarded with comments like “Amazing”, “ The best show of any genre I have seen.” That guy can play anything “ “ Why have I not heard of him before” I saw many of the same faces that have supported Joe in Oklahoma for the last several years but I know this crowd was full of new fans.
The venue staff had never heard of him, nothing new there but he left them in shock and awe as usual. The is the home of the Nutcracker Suite, the Symphony, and most recently Legally Blonde. Well Joe had them hoping for a week long run of Joe shows some where down the road. I think they would work the next one for free. The geriatric ushers had a little to get used to like cameras coming out of pockets and purses in such a flurry that they were overwhelmed and had to give up enforcing the no photo policy of the hall. They hadn’t gotten the memo on Joe’s policy.
Like I said in my first post on this show’s topic this venue has had a long list of legendary performances and this was another in its storied history. I think Joe has found a new home in OKC and paved the way for other artists to again fill the hall with not only Bach but Rock and Blues too.
Okay-weeknight or not-we're coming next time-REGARDLESS! Can't quit playing Black Rock and still revelling in the memories of Tuesday nite here. Miss the old days of Two Frogs intimate setting, but so glad that Joe is reaching his stardom after all his hard work.
See you soon Friend.