Like I said somewhere else here...... I think Gibson has chambered, hollowed, Pleked, and weight relieved there their way out of a clear focus of what they are all about. They just cant sell their guitars at those high prices (comparitively) without the quality.
Their ''rock n roll history'' alone does not seem to be keeping them afloat with today's critical eye and ear player.
Buying a Les Paul use to be a just gotta have one....and it was of good quality.
Now, the price of a Les Paul, pulls us up by the short hairs and makes us hesitate, second guess, ask around, & comparison shop .....the same goes with the other models. I'd love to get a 335 or 345....but am just floored by the price.
I'm glad I bought my LP back in 89'........and my 79' Epiphone Genesis Deluxe plays just as great, if not more driving solid, than the LP.......the irony now, is that Epiphones are not worth it unless you upgrade the parts.
I too agree that you need to try out as many Les Pauls in one sitting to get the feel for the one to buy.
We still like our traditional woods as well......what ever happen to the ''replenishable'' wood Les Pauls made 10- 15 years ago.......the ones made from African supplied wood with all the wild, but cool, wood grain patterns?? Good Luck buyers! >> DAN
79' Epiphone Genesis Custom, 89' pre-reissue Les Paul Standard, 90'Strat Plus,
02' Tele (ash), 91' Martin HD-28, Epi A-12 acoustic, Fender Hot Rod Deville 2x12