Topic: Pageant

Dear Joe:
Given your persistent overseas tour schedule, we feel grateful to be able to see you in our own city once again. It is always exciting to watch the after the show reactions of friends seeing you for the first time, particularly given the preshow remarks we make. Who could ever live up to those expectations. It's almost funny though and consistently the same. BLOWN AWAY, just like we were.  Although any nominal complaint , which is really not a complaint, but a compliment is "I wish the show were longer". 

But the show really doesn't end for us after you, or should I say the all important roadies pack up the gear, and you roll out to the next city.  The post show endorphine line feelings go on for several more hours or even a day or a week after, thanks to the new DVD's and T-Shirts to keep it going.  There must be some health benefit to it all.  Thanks to you and your own hands.

When the Italian immigrants set foot in this country decades ago filled with the hope of a better life, they must have been thrilled with the abundance and variety of available food, particularly meats.  To this day, many long lost traditions go on in a long standing Italian community, better know as "The Hill".  Several family owned and operated restaurants tucked in among the residences offer some really good handmade Italian grub.  If you have time after the show when your tour bus is rolling out,  they still make Ravioli's on the hill the hard way. That is, using a couple different slow roasted meats for the fillings and hand rolled dough.  Being on the road constantly, I would think the national chain's can get a little boring.  Pick up some local flavor.  I don't think they sell snow globes though, but several do have hand made Tiramisu for dessert.

Finally, while we don't mind seeing you play in Uriah Heep T-Shirts, it is very nice to see you dressed in some finer quality threads.... nice !!

Sincerely,  Jim & Kathy Bigott

Re: Pageant

That's was just about the most excellent concert we've seen you play.  Outstanding !!!. Doesn't get any better than that. Perfect in every way.  Could've used about 5 more db in the mains though and possibly a roast beef sandwich for you. Can't wait to pop that DVD in.    Thank you so very much for playing here !!!! kat&jm- can you return next weekend to play.