Topic: Bad Cats

Has anyone had the pleasure of playing any of the range of Bad Cat amps?

I was mainly looking at the Hot Cat 30 head - tis pricey, but seems to have bags of tone.

Along with Matchless (for obvious reasons), they really make my head turn when I hear them with that grind together with clarity.

It's one of those things where it could make a bit of a jump towards the sound in my head.

My Orange Rockerverb wouldn't go towards the new amp much, so it would have to be a good ol' jump up though. tongue

I see some really great players with them...Page, JPJ, Brad they can't be that terrible.

Along with Suhr, Fuchs, Divided by 13 etc it is one of the boutique-style tone amps - I'm just not sure out of all of these would be right for me - though I am definitely in the region of British style blues and classic rock (not the 6L6 American sound).