So here's the brief rundown of how last Sunday's show went...
First off was Aram Bedrosian. The only other time I've seen someone open up for Joe was the first concert show that I was at of his, but it was definitely cool to have something to warm up to. Aram was an amazing bassist in the way that he could play the rhythm and melody at the same time, while finger-picking on bass. He had excellent tone and a definite skill on the bass. Definitely going to check out his CD when it comes out. And while Aram was on, my friends and I were at the bar in the back of the club and Mike Gordon (bassist for Phish) walks right by us and we say hi. That in itself was pretty cool too.
Then Joe came on. Like always, the man just smoked it up from the start. My friend Mike is a metalhead like me and normally wouldn't even think to listen to some blues or jam tunes, but I convinced him to coming along and he was amazed. He really got into it quick. Then when Joe's announcing the 3rd song, "Blues Deluxe," he says he's gonna have a guest up for the tune, something that is really rare. And seeing how he said that it was someone that he had just met I was thinking that it either had to be Aram or Mike Gordon that was going to jump up on stage and do a little bass solo. Nope. Joe introduced Mr. Trey Anastasio, and I'm not real familiar with Phish, but I knew was a big deal. And in my absolute honest opinion, Joe burned Trey on the fretboard! For the first part of the song, Trey was fooling with his guitar a bit and couldn't seem to get the sound he wanted. Then his solo was alright, but for one of the "greatest jam guitarists" I was expecting a little more. Then when it was Joe's time to solo, Trey was playing the rhythm a little loud and overpowering Joe. I was definitely a treat to see him, but I think Joe proved to the audience that he's the man behind the guitars here. I don't really remember the set list, but I know that Tara was there and she might be able to help anyone out. Acoustic "Miss You, Hate You" really is a catchy version, so I hope that's on the new album. I was also hoping for a longer encore and was waiting for Joe to whip out the Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty, but all in all it was definitely worth the trip.
My only sincere complaint about the show was the amount of people there. This was my 3rd time seeing Joe at Higher Ground (first at the new location) and the turnout has been roughly the same each time. I would say that there were around 150 people there that night, maybe 200, but definitely not the numbers that we should be seeing. I hope that no one gets discouraged by this, because the really cool thing was looking around the audience and seeing how many people in their early 20's and younger were there. Joe's really making an impact in my opinion.
Rock 'N' Roll,