19 (edited by LevyNagy 2006-11-21 15:06:19)

Re: BB King Blues Club Bar and Grill

I traveled for Joe Bonamassa @ NY from Romania via London, Houston, Louisiana, Chicago, Alabama. It was like a marathon with a great finish! smile Still no autograph from Joe but I think I'll survive.

Re: BB King Blues Club Bar and Grill

Jane H.
I've sent email with address send me your postal address and cost by email and i'll send it off asap
many many thanks big_smile

Re: BB King Blues Club Bar and Grill

Jane H
not sure if the email has arrived with you as i've been told by gsj that the 3 emails i've sent him have not arrived. if it hasn't arrived please let me know

Re: BB King Blues Club Bar and Grill

keep trying those of you who wanted dimeadozen accounts....i got one by favoriting the signup link and just randomly clicking it over a weeklong period.  Anyway, finally downloaded the show and it really does sounds great!

Thank You JoeBeacon