Topic: New Ben Harper

Ben's got a new album with a new side project called Relentless7.  A much more straight up rock sound, "White Lies for Dark Times" is a great left turn for Ben and his music.

I know there are a couple of fans of Ben's here, but I really wanted to mention the song "Why Must You Always Dress in Black?".  What a great Blues tune ! 

Little clip of it here: … =dm_sp_adp

Re: New Ben Harper

Well, this topic went over like a fart in church !


Re: New Ben Harper

I've been enjoying the album the past few days. I like the change in direction, although it's not a big change, just a bit more rocking. He has recently stated that this isn't a side project, but his current focus. Should be interesting to see where he takes the band.

Re: New Ben Harper

Brett wrote:

Ben's got a new album with a new side project called Relentless7.  A much more straight up rock sound, "White Lies for Dark Times" is a great left turn for Ben and his music.

I know there are a couple of fans of Ben's here, but I really wanted to mention the song "Why Must You Always Dress in Black?".  What a great Blues tune ! 

Little clip of it here: … =dm_sp_adp

Brett, I just picked this CD up last week, and it is very good.  I agree that "Why Must You Always Dress In Black" is a great song, and happens to be my favorite on this one. This is my first Ben Harper CD.  I decided to give it a try after reading a review of the CD.  I think a lot of people on this forum would really like this one.

5 (edited by Curby 2009-05-16 06:56:47)

Re: New Ben Harper

I got it last week and welcome the new sound.  I think Ben wanted to do something different and edgier and Relentless7 provides that outlet.  My favorite on the new album is "Keep It Together".  Very Lenny Kravitz.

Re: New Ben Harper

Really like Faded by him.

Re: New Ben Harper


I actually posted on the first day this thread was up..... but got distracted, and, by the time I hit "enter"..... it had logged me OUT and my post was gone.........  'twas just too late in the evening (or early in the morning to be precise) to re-write it.  sad

I just wanted to say, that I've had the good fortune to see Ben in a couple of more intimate situations...... once, last May at a Folk Festival with about 1,500 people.... which was held on the grounds of Ben's grade school in his hometown of Claremont, CA.  Happens to be my hometown too.  His friends, Jackson Browne, and Taj Mahal were also there that evening.  It's an annual event sponsored by Claremont Folk Music Center which was owned and operated for decades by Ben's grandparents.  Ben grew UP there.... smile  Ben now owns it, and his mother, Ellen runs it.  Ben played that day with his mom.... and many others.  It was a really lovely thing to see.

The other very special event I attended was a tribute to Chris Darrow, another long time Claremont resident, held at McCabe's Guitar in Santa Monica.  A tiny room held about 150 of us..... watching many different folks honoring this much unsung hero.  Ben was one of them.  Chris is a lifelong friend and mentor to Ben.  "Whipping Boy" was written by Chris.  For me, the highlight of the evening was watching the two of them sit together, guitars in laps...... and sing it.... and play it together.  Chris remembered fondly the first time Ben played it in his living room...... "he OWNED it", he said.  I have a videotape of it and have been asked, out of respect to McCabe's "no video" policy, not to post it.  It's a shame.  It's something that people should see....... the student...... having so much respect and reverence for the teacher.... and, for that matter, to be playing in McCabe's too.  It was very clear to me that, aside from Ben's  worldwide fame..... he remains a humble man.... who is grateful for his beginnings..... and for his friends. 

Here is another performance of that song.....  try to imagine NO drums.... and a second slide guitarist......

I've not heard the new album..... hope this wasn't too off topic for you.  I thought you, and other Ben Harper fans might find it interesting.

Also..... Chris Darrow's record company was shooting video there that evening, and so, I remain hopeful that that video will be made public one day.  We'll see. 

Libby smile

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: New Ben Harper

Great story Libby.  Other than enjoying his music and knowing he's married to Laura Dern, I haven't bothered to check out his background.  Think I will after this.  Thanks again.

9 (edited by Brett 2009-05-16 17:38:02)

Re: New Ben Harper

Wow.  Great responses.  I have the DVD with him playing and practicing with his mother and it's amazing.

Also love the part where Juan is needing his Krispy Kreme fix and the tour bus hits the place in the middle of the night.  But alas, I digest...

Can I have an amen for "Boots Like These" !  The other song on the album that has a very bluesy sauce !

P.S.  The other Ben album I would recommend to Joe fans is his album with the Blind Boys of Alabama.  Great gospel ! … mp;sr=1-12