Topic: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

I know we are not the first, but my band now plays a Bonamassa Tribute in the U.K. as an option for venues.This is a natural progression for us , because we were playing 50% Bonamassa originals and Bonamassa versions of blues rock tracks in any case. Many of our customers still haven't heard of Joe, but when they hear the music they almost always like it. A lot of UK venues will not play covers bands but will book a tribute act. So, we could get booked playing covers of covers of covers)

We are keeping our band name and not  trying to 'copy' Joe's band (How sad that would be) In fact, we have tweaked some tracks by introducing bass pedals , for eg at the end 'run in' of Mountain Time and Wurm/ Starship Trooper.
I know many of you might feel a Tribute Show is a negative thing, but I only heard of Joe just over a year ago but I can tell you that at the last show I visited in Bristol there were at least 20 people there ,that I know of, that came to Joe via my band and its' connections.So, I think this helps Joe as well.

If you are interested take a look at my website link and I would draw your attention to 'my back page' where the article is very much about Joe. You are welcome to leave your thoughts in the Guest Book.

No Ordinary Joe

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

That sounds like a lot of fun, congrats! smile You should get some mp3s on your website, I went there hoping to hear some JB covers. I'm always interested in hearing how bands cover Joe.

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

ken wrote:

That sounds like a lot of fun, congrats! smile You should get some mp3s on your website, I went there hoping to hear some JB covers. I'm always interested in hearing how bands cover Joe.

The lack of MP3's on the site is bit of a sore point.
Our only previously recorded numbers belonged to our old set. They were ok, but not great recordings or performances and don't represent our progression since then.Subsequently, the band won't have them linked to the site. (I would, but I got out-voted) We need a permenant keyboard player before we record a new demo/ promo video.

No Ordinary Joe

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

That's great! I hope you venture to the north of England one day soon so we can come and support you.

Tripsy smile

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

So, we could get booked playing covers of covers of covers...

Oh awright then, Richard.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

Hope it goes well, make sure you play some of the songs that Joe doesn't play (anymore) - The River, Burning Hell etc. smile

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

Thanks to all for the encouraging words and helpful suggestions.

No Ordinary Joe

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'

crossroads wrote:

Thanks to all for the encouraging words and helpful suggestions.

I am over the top about you doing well with your band and sticking with it...mine is the never ending saga.


Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: White Room 'A Tribute To Joe Bonamassa'


All bands are the same, buddy. It never, ever stops.

My primary role in this band is 'Mother', I try and stop the kids fighting  and occasionally I have to bang the kids' heads together.

Playing bass is the easy part.

No Ordinary Joe